Send Event Notifications

This resource sends one or more notifications for a given event to the intended recipient


Create a Dynamic Event Notification Mapping
POST /v1/commons/event_notifications

Create or Update Dynamic Event Notification Mappings
POST /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_upsert

Delete Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID
DELETE /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id}

Delete Dynamic Event Notification Mappings
POST /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_delete

Retrieve All Dynamic Event Notification Mappings
GET /v1/commons/event_notifications

Retrieve Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID
GET /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id}

Retrieve Dynamic Event Notification Mappings
POST /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_read

Update a Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID
PUT /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id}