Certifications Setup

This resource allows you to create, retrieve, update, and delete certifications. Certifications are employee attributes that work alongside skills to allow the system to assign the most qualified person to do a job.


Create Certification
POST /v1/scheduling/certifications

Create Certifications
POST /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_create

Delete Certification by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId}

Delete Certifications
POST /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_delete

Retrieve All Certifications or by Name
GET /v1/scheduling/certifications

Retrieve Certification by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId}

Retrieve Certifications
POST /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_read

Update Certification by ID
PUT /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId}

Update Certifications
POST /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_update