Delegate Profiles

This resource allows you to retrieve and manipulate delegate profiles, which contain the list of persons used as delegates.


Add or Remove Delegate Profile Delegates
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/apply_upsert

Add or Remove Delegate Profile Delegates Asynchronously
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/apply_upsert/async

Create Delegate Profile
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles

Create or Update Delegate Profiles
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_upsert

Create or Update Delegate Profiles Asynchronously
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_upsert/async

Delete Delegate Profile by ID
DELETE /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id}

Delete Delegate Profiles
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_delete

Retrieve All Delegate Profiles
GET /v1/commons/delegate_profiles

Retrieve Asynchronous Response Payload by Key
GET /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async/{executionKey}/response

Retrieve Delegate Profile Asynchronous Request Status by Key
GET /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async/{executionKey}/status

Retrieve Delegate Profile by ID
GET /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id}

Retrieve Delegate Profiles
POST /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_read

Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Delegate Profile Jobs
GET /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async

Update Delegate Profile by ID
PUT /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id}