Shift Templates

This resource allows a manager to create, retrieve, update, and delete shift templates.

A shift template is a shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee.

Use shift templates when any of the following apply:

  • The organization uses standard shifts to assign to employees.
  • Multiple employees work the same shift.
  • Employees use Employee Self-Service (ESS) for scheduling to create and manage their own schedules.


Create Shift Template
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_templates

Create Shift Templates
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/multi_create

Delete Shift Template by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/{id}

Delete Shift Templates
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/multi_delete

Retrieve Shift Template by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/{id}

Retrieve Shift Template by Name
GET /v1/scheduling/shift_templates

Retrieve Shift Templates
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/multi_read

Retrieve or Create Shift Templates
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/apply_read

Update Shift Template by ID
PUT /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/{id}

Update Shift Templates
PUT /v1/scheduling/shift_templates/multi_update