Group Schedule Patterns

This resource defines a repeating pattern of shifts and paycodes and assigns the pattern to a schedule group. Pattern assignments are effective dated. Modifying the pattern assignment of a schedule group automatically affects the schedule of the employees of that group.

After this operation is successfully processed, the schedule is updated after a delay based on the size of the group and the number of schedule groups. The delay can range from only a few minutes to several hours when thousands of employees are involved. Use the Retrieve Schedule (POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/multi_read) operation to validate whether or not the schedule has been updated.


Create Group Schedule Pattern
POST /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/apply_create

Delete Group Schedule Pattern by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/{id}

Retrieve Group Schedule Pattern Configuration
GET /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/builder

Retrieve Group Schedule Pattern by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/{id}

Retrieve Multiple Group Schedule Patterns
POST /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/multi_read

Update or Remove Group Schedule Patterns
POST /v1/scheduling/group_schedule_patterns/apply_update