Retrieve Payroll Staging Asynchronous Request Status by ID

This operation returns the status of an asynchronous Stage Payroll request by request ID.

Possible statuses include:

  • pending -- The system has acknowledged the staging request, but it has not yet been processed.

  • in_progress -- The staging request is currently being processed.

  • uploaded_on_cloud_storage -- The staging request data has been successfully transferred to the cloud storage for further processing.

  • queued -- The system has accepted the staging request and placed it in a queue. It will be processed shortly.

  • failed -- The processing of the staging request has encountered a failure.

  • queued_failed -- Due to the system processing payrolls at its peak capacity, the staging request cannot be queued at the moment. Please try again later.

  • success -- The staging request has been completed.

The associated Access Control Point is WAGES.
