Group Shifts

This resource allows you to create, modify, and delete shifts that are applied to a group.

Shifts are the primary content of the group schedule, since they represent productive work. The main shift characteristics are the date, the start and end times, the assigned employee, and the job or jobs associated.

Shifts can be added, deleted, or modified. Shifts are made up of segments. There are three types of segment: regular, break, and transfer. Each segment has a start time and date and an end time and date. Breaks have no associated job. A regular type segment is always associated with the employee's primary job as defined in People Editor. A transfer type segment is associated with the transferred employee's business structure job, work rule, payer cost center, or labor categories.


Create Group Shifts
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/groups/shifts/apply_create

Delete Group Shifts
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/groups/shifts/apply_delete

Retrieve Group Shift by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/schedule/groups/shifts/{id}

Update Group Shifts
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/groups/shifts/apply_update