Employee Schedule Patterns

This resource defines a repeating pattern of shifts and paycodes and assigns the pattern to an employee. Pattern assignments are effective dated. Modifying the pattern assignment of an employee will automatically affect the schedule of that employee.

Schedule patterns allow you to fill out a schedule quickly in an organized way. Once you have defined and saved a pattern as a Schedule template, you can assign it to any employee or group of employees.

Pattern Templates also make it possible to modify the schedule of a number of employees simultaneously by modifying the pattern assigned to them.

After this operation is successfully processed, the schedule is updated after a delay based on the number of employees. The delay can range from only a few minutes to several hours when thousands of employees are involved. Use the Retrieve Schedule (POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/multi_read) operation to validate whether or not the schedule has been updated.


Create Employee Schedule Pattern
POST /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/apply_create

Delete Employee Schedule Pattern by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/{id}

Retrieve Builder Configuration
GET /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/builder

Retrieve Employee Schedule Pattern by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/{id}

Retrieve Employee Schedule Patterns
POST /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/multi_read

Update Employee Schedule Pattern
POST /v1/scheduling/employee_schedule_patterns/apply_update