Shift Profiles

This resource allows a manager to retrieve shift profiles.

Shift profiles apply rules to shift start and end times and length in order to enable schedules to comply with business needs.

Shift profiles define:

  • Start Time - Minimum and Maximum

  • End Time - Minimum and Maximum

  • Length of Time - Standard, Minimum, and Maximum

  • Maximum Job Length - By organizational job

A Service Limit applies to some of the bulk operations against this resource. Refer to the Limits topic for more information.


Create Shift Profile
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles

Create Shift Profiles
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_create

Delete Shift Profile by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId}

Delete Shift Profiles
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_delete

Retrieve All Shift Profiles or by Name
GET /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles

Retrieve Shift Profile by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId}

Retrieve Shift Profiles
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_read

Update Shift Profile by ID
PUT /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId}

Update Shift Profiles
POST /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_update