Paycode Distributions

This resource allows you to retrieve and manipulate paycode distributions. Paycode distribution rules specify how employees are paid for time other than their regular time, based on combination rules.

You can edit the following information associated with paycode distributions:

  • Combination Rule: The combination rule for a paycode distribution.
  • Paycode distribution table: Displays the overtimes, zones, schedule deviations, and paycodes in the combination rule for a paycode distribution.
  • Edit paycodes: Change the paycodes in a paycode distribution table.


Create Paycode Distribution
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions

Create Paycode Distributions
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_create

Create or Update Paycode Distributions
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/apply_upsert

Delete Paycode Distribution by ID
DELETE /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id}

Delete Paycode Distributions
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_delete

Retrieve All Paycode Distributions or by Name
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions

Retrieve Paycode Distribution by ID
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id}

Retrieve Paycode Distributions
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_read

Update Paycode Distribution by ID
PUT /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id}

Update Paycode Distributions
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_update