GPS Known Places

This resource allows you to retrieve and manipulate Known Places, which are defined as a GPS position with a radius and accuracy and/or a collection of WiFi Networks. Known Places can be associated with a location. Known Places can be used for a variety of location-based features, such as geofencing.


Create Known Place
POST /v1/commons/known_places

Create Known Places
POST /v1/commons/known_places/multi_create

Create or Update Known Places
POST /v1/commons/known_places/multi_upsert

Delete Known Place by ID
DELETE /v1/commons/known_places/{id}

Delete Known Place by Persistent ID
DELETE /v1/commons/known_places

Delete Known Places
POST /v1/commons/known_places/multi_delete

Retrieve All Known Places or by Specification
GET /v1/commons/known_places

Retrieve Known Place by ID
GET /v1/commons/known_places/{id}

Retrieve Known Places
POST /v1/commons/known_places/multi_read

Update Known Place by ID
PUT /v1/commons/known_places/{id}

Update Known Place by Persistent ID
PUT /v1/commons/known_places