
This resource allows you to view and manipulate Attendance Actions, which are a configured list of entities that each represent an Attendance consequence.

Actions in Attendance are symbolic. They represent an informational flag to a human being informing him or her that they need to go do something, such as a manager delivering a verbal warning to an employee. Actions are an output of the Attendance Processor. An Action Definition refers to configuration, while an Action Transaction refers to the output of the Attendance Processor.


Complete Actions
POST /v1/attendance/actions/complete

Retrieve Action Documents by ID
GET /v1/attendance/actions/{id}/documents

Retrieve Action by ID
GET /v1/attendance/actions/{id}

Retrieve Actions' Documents
POST /v1/attendance/actions/documents/multi_read

Retrieve Multiple Actions
POST /v1/attendance/actions/multi_read

Update Action by ID
POST /v1/attendance/actions/{id}