Work Rules

This resource allows you access to work rules, which are combinations of work rule building blocks that apply specific pay rules to shifts. These rules determine how employee hours accrue. A default work rule is usually part of a pay rule, but work rules can also be assigned in the timecard and Scheduler.


Create Work Rule
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules

Create Work Rules
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_create

Delete Work Rule by ID
DELETE /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id}

Delete Work Rules
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_delete

Retrieve All Work Rules
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules

Retrieve Work Rule by ID
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id}

Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Employee
GET /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules/{id}

Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Employee (Deprecated)
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules/{id}

Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Manager
GET /v2/timekeeping/setup/work_rules/{id}

Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Manager (Deprecated)
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/work_rules/{id}

Retrieve Work Rules
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_read

Retrieve Work Rules as Employee
GET /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules

Retrieve Work Rules as Employee (Deprecated)
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules

Retrieve Work Rules as Manager
GET /v2/timekeeping/setup/work_rules

Retrieve Work Rules as Manager (Deprecated)
GET /v1/timekeeping/setup/work_rules

Update Work Rule by ID
PUT /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id}

Update Work Rules
POST /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_update