Schedule Tags

This resource allows you to create, modify, and delete schedule tags.

Schedule tags are generic descriptors that can be used to add information to a schedule. They are user-defined and can either be purely informational or they can have business-related impacts (like On Call tags). The main Schedule tag characteristics are the date, the start and end times, the assigned employee, and the associated job or jobs. Schedule tags can be added, deleted, or modified. A Schedule tag is similar to a Shift but with only one segment. It is always associated with the employee's primary job, defined in People Editor. A transfer type Schedule tag is associated with the transferred employee's business structure job, work rule, payer cost center or labor categories.


Create Schedule Tag
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags

Create Schedule Tags
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/multi_create

Delete Schedule Tag by ID
DELETE /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/{tagId}

Delete Schedule Tags
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/multi_delete

Retrieve Schedule Tag by ID
GET /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/{tagId}

Retrieve Schedule Tags by ID
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/multi_read

Update Schedule Tag by ID
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/{tagId}

Update Schedule Tags
POST /v1/scheduling/schedule/schedule_tags/multi_update