This resource allows you to retrieve and manipulate business structure location attributes.
Location attributes can be used to collect additional data about an organization on the business structure. For example, a location attribute can define a starting day of the week for a location. By default, location attributes are inherited from parent locations and can be overridden by assigning another location attribute. You can assign location attributes to locations on the business structure.
Create Location Attribute
POST /v1/commons/location_attributes
Create or Update Location Attributes
POST /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_upsert
Delete Location Attribute by ID
DELETE /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id}
Delete Location Attributes
POST /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_delete
Retrieve Location Attribute by Criteria
GET /v1/commons/location_attributes
Retrieve Location Attribute by ID
GET /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id}
Retrieve Location Attributes
POST /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_read
Update Location Attribute by ID
PUT /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id}