Version history
The Version history catalogues the API resources and operations added in each release.
The following operations were added to the API in 2024.R2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Activities | Activity Move Quantity Transaction Audits | Retrieve Activity Move Quantity Transaction Audits | POST | /v1/work/move_quantities/audit/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Biometric Consent History | Retrieve Biometric Consent History | POST | /v1/commons/biometric_consent_history/multi_read |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Retrieve Personal Hyperfind Queries for Inactive and Terminated Employees | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind/personal_inactives |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Delete Personal Hyperfind Queries | POST | /v1/commons/hyperfind/personal_inactives/multi_delete |
Common Resources II | Locations | Retrieve Paginated List of Locations | POST | /v2/commons/locations/multi_read |
Common Resources II | Locations | Move Location Asynchronously | POST | /v1/commons/locations/apply_update/async |
Person Assignments | Brazil Employee Assignments | Retrieve Brazil Employee Assignments by Person ID or Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/brazil_employee_assignments |
Person Assignments | Brazil Employee Assignments | Retrieve Brazil Employee Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/brazil_employee_assignments/{personId} |
Person Assignments | Brazil Employee Assignments | Retrieve Brazil Employee Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/brazil_employee_assignments/multi_read |
Person Assignments | Brazil Employee Assignments | Add or Update Brazil Employee Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/brazil_employee_assignments/multi_upsert |
Platform | Publish and Run Reports | Retrieve Report by Name | GET | /v1/platform/reports/{name}/file |
Platform | Publish and Run Reports | Retrieve Payroll Staging Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/platform/reports/import/async/{executionKey}/status |
Platform | Publish and Run Reports | Save Report Asynchronously | POST | /v1/platform/reports/import/async |
Platform | Switch Employment | Switch Employment | POST | /v1/platform/switch_employment |
Scheduling Setup | ESS Calendar Settings | Retrieve All Schedule Insights Widget Entities | GET | /v1/scheduling/ess_calendar_settings/schedule_insights_widget_entities |
Scheduling Setup | Request Submission Periods | Open Next Submission Period | POST | /v1/scheduling/request_submission_periods/employee_opt_outs |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Digital Signature | Sign Brazil Compliance Reports | POST | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/reports/sign |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance System Settings | Retrieve Brazil Compliance System Settings | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/system_settings |
Timekeeping Setup | Combined Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Combined Paycode by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/paycodes/combined/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Combined Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Combined Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/paycodes/combined/apply_read |
Timekeeping Setup | Combined Paycodes for Timekeeping | Add Paycodes to or Remove Paycodes from Combined Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/paycodes/combined/apply_upsert |
Timekeeping | Paycode Data Access Profiles | Retrieve GDAP-filtered Paycode Data Access Profile by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/data_access_profiles/{id}/available |
Timekeeping | Paycode Data Access Profiles | Retrieve Paycode Data Access Profile by Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/data_access_profiles/apply_read |
Timekeeping | Paycode Data Access Profiles | Add Paycodes to or Remove Paycodes from Paycode Data Access Profiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/data_access_profiles/apply_upsert |
The following operations were added to the API in 2024.R1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Profiles | Retrieve Accrual Profiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/accrual_profiles/multi_read |
Universal Device Manager | UDM Devices | Retrieve All Devices | GET | /v1/udm/devices |
Universal Device Manager | UDM Device Groups | Retrieve All Device Groups | GET | /v1/udm/device_groups |
Universal Device Manager | UDM Device Groups | Create Device Group | POST | /v1/udm/device_groups |
Universal Device Manager | UDM Device Groups | Update Device Group by ID | PUT | /v1/udm/device_groups/{id} |
Universal Device Manager | UDM Device Groups | Delete Device Group by ID | DELETE | /v1/udm/device_groups/{id} |
The following operations were added to the API in 2023.R2.1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Invalidate Cover Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/invalidate |
Forecasting | SHAP Value Metrics | Extract Local Explainer | POST | /v1/forecasting/shap_values/metrics/local_explainer/apply_read |
Healthcare Productivity | Raw Volume Data Errors | Retrieve All Raw Volume Error Records | GET | /v1/hca/raw_volume_errors |
Healthcare Productivity | Raw Volume Data Errors | Create or Update Raw Volume Error Records | POST | /v1/hca/raw_volume_errors/multi_upsert |
Person Assignments | Supervisor Assignments | Retrieve Supervisor Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/supervisor/{personId} |
Person Assignments | Supervisor Assignments | Retrieve Supervisor Assignments for Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/supervisor/multi_read |
Person Assignments | Supervisor Assignments | Add or Update Supervisor Assignment for Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/supervisor/multi_upsert |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Companies | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Company by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/companies/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Companies | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Companies | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/companies |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Companies | Create Brazil Compliance Company | POST | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/companies |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Companies | Update Brazil Compliance Company by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/companies/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Companies | Delete Brazil Compliance Company by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/companies/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Device Groups | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Device Group by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/device_groups/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Device Groups | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Device Groups or by Specification | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/device_groups |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Device Groups | Create Brazil Compliance Device Group | POST | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/device_groups |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Device Groups | Update Brazil Compliance Device Group by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/device_groups/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Device Groups | Delete Brazil Compliance Device Group by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/device_groups/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Devices | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Device by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/devices/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Devices | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Devices or by Specification | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/devices |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Devices | Create Brazil Compliance Device | POST | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/devices |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Devices | Update Brazil Compliance Device by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/devices/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Devices | Delete Brazil Compliance Device by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/devices/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Identity Types | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Identity Type by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/identity_types/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Identity Types | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Identity Types or by Specification | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/identity_types |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definitions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definitions or by Specification | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definitions |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Create Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition | POST | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definitions |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Update Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definitions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Delete Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definitions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Retrieve Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition Key by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definition_keys/{id} |
Timekeeping | Brazil Compliance Paycode Attributes | Retrieve All Brazil Compliance Paycode Attribute Definition Keys or by Specification | GET | /v1/timekeeping/brazil_compliance/paycode_attribute_definition_keys |
R9 Update 4
The following operations were added to the API in R9 Update 4:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Messaging Notifications | Retrieve Bulk Notifications | POST | /v1/commons/notifications/apply_read |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Reviewers and Listeners | Retrieve Symbolic Reviewers and Listeners | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/reviewers/apply_read |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Retrieve a List of Generic Locations | GET | /v1/commons/generic_locations |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Retrieve Generic Location by ID | GET | /v1/commons/generic_locations/{id} |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Retrieve Generic Locations | POST | /v1/commons/generic_locations/multi_read |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Create Generic Location | POST | /v1/commons/generic_locations |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Create or Update Generic Locations | POST | /v1/commons/generic_locations/multi_upsert |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Update Generic Location by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/generic_locations/{id} |
Common Resources II | Generic Locations | Delete Generic Location by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/generic_locations/{id} |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Create or Update Hyperfind Queries | POST | /v1/commons/hyperfind/multi_upsert |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Delete Hyperfind Queries | POST | /v1/commons/hyperfind/multi_delete |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Retrieve Hyperfind Filters | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind/filters |
Common Resources II | Hyperfind Queries | Retrieve Hyperfind Filter Details by Filter ID | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind/constraint |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Availability Requests | Retrieve Availability Requests | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_availability_requests/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Budget | Update Labor Budgets | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_budget/apply_update |
Forecasting | Machine Learning Model Features | Retrieve All Machine Learning Model Features or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/machine_learning_model_features |
Forecasting | Machine Learning Model Features | Retrieve Machine Learning Model Feature by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/machine_learning_model_features/{id} |
Forecasting | SHAP Value Metrics | Calculate Feature Dependence | POST | /v1/forecasting/shap_values/metrics/feature_dependence/apply_read |
Forecasting | SHAP Value Metrics | Calculate Feature Importance | POST | /v1/forecasting/shap_values/metrics/feature_importance/apply_read |
People | Persons | Retrieve Punch Interpretation Rule | GET | /v1/commons/persons/punch_interpretation_rules |
Platform | Report Executions | Retrieve Report Execution Status by ID | GET | /v1/platform/report_executions/{id} |
Scheduling | Employee Preferences Requests for Employees | Create Employee Preferences Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_preferences_requests |
Scheduling | Employee Preferences Requests for Employees | Update Employee Preferences Request by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/employee_preferences_requests/{id} |
Scheduling | Employment Terms Shifts | Retrieve Employment Terms Shift by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employment_terms_schedule/shifts/{id} |
Scheduling | Employment Terms Shifts | Create Employment Terms Shifts | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_terms_schedule/shifts/apply_create |
Scheduling | Employment Terms Shifts | Update Employment Terms Shifts | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_terms_schedule/shifts/apply_update |
Scheduling | Employment Terms Shifts | Delete Employment Terms Shifts | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_terms_schedule/shifts/apply_delete |
Scheduling | Open Shifts | Retrieve Calculated Open Shifts | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/open_shifts/apply_read |
Scheduling Setup | Employee Visibility Periods | Retrieve Eligible Submission Periods | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/employee_visibility_periods/apply_read |
Scheduling Setup | Predictive Scheduling | Retrieve Predictive Scheduling Violations, Hours, and Costs | POST | /v1/scheduling/predictive_scheduling/evaluate |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Dashboard Settings | Retrieve All Colorized Entities | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/staffing_dashboard_settings/colorized_entities |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Dashboard Settings | Retrieve All Employee Pool Additional Data Entities | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/staffing_dashboard_settings/employee_pool_additional_data_entities |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Dashboard Settings | Retrieve All Unit Panel Additional Data Entities | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/staffing_dashboard_settings/unit_panel_additional_data_entities |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Dashboard Settings | Retrieve Schedule Change Notification Options | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/staffing_dashboard_settings/schedule_change_notifications |
Timekeeping | Attestation Models | Retrieve All Attestation Models | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_models |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Retrieve All Attestation Template Mappings | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Retrieve Attestation Template Mapping by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Retrieve Attestation Template Mappings | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Create Attestation Template Mapping | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Update Attestation Template Mapping by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Delete Attestation Template Mapping by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Template Mappings | Delete Attestation Template Mappings | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_template_mappings/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Retrieve Sign-off Preparation Status by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Bulk Retrieve Sign-off Preparation Status | POST | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Enable Sign-off Preparation by ID | POST | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Bulk Enable Sign-off Preparation | POST | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Disable Sign-off Preparation by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation |
Timekeeping | Sign-off Preparation | Bulk Disable Sign-off Preparation | POST | /v1/timekeeping/signoff_preparation/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Timecard Annotations | Create Timecard Annotation | POST | /v1/timekeeping/timecard_annotations |
Timekeeping | Timecard Annotations | Delete Timecard Annotation | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/timecard_annotations |
Timekeeping | Timecard Annotations | Retrieve Timecard Annotation | GET | /v1/timekeeping/timecard_annotations |
Timekeeping Setup | Adjustment Rules | Retrieve Adjustment Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/adjustment_rules/apply_read |
Timekeeping Setup | Prevailing Wages | Retrieve Prevailing Wages | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/prevailing_wages |
Timekeeping Setup | Prevailing Wages | Create or Update Prevailing Wages | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/prevailing_wages/multi_upsert |
R9 Update 3
The following operations were added to the API in R9 Update 3:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Forecasting | Peak Hours | Retrieve Peak Hours | POST | /v1/forecasting/peak_hours/apply_read |
Forecasting Setup | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve Volume Drivers Available to Forecast Planner | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/resources/volume_drivers |
Healthcare Productivity | Labor Type Agency Recalculation | Recalculate Agency Asynchronously | POST | /v1/hca/agency/recalculate/async |
Healthcare Productivity | Labor Type Agency Recalculation | Retrieve Agency Recalculation Asynchronous Request Status by Execution Key | POST | /v1/hca/agency/recalculate/{id}/status |
Scheduling | Manager Schedule Actions | Send Combined Schedule Notifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_management_actions/combined_notifications/apply_update |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Retrieve All Shift Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Retrieve Shift Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Retrieve Shift Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Create Shift Profile | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Create Shift Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_create |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Update Shift Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Update Shift Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_update |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Delete Shift Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/{shiftProfileId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profiles | Delete Shift Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profiles/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Retrieve All Shift Profile Sets or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Retrieve Shift Profile Set by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/{shiftProfileSetId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Retrieve Shift Profile Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/multi_read |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Create Shift Profile Set | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Create Shift Profile Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/multi_create |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Update Shift Profile Set by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/{shiftProfileSetId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Update Shift Profile Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/multi_update |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Delete Shift Profile Set by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/{shiftProfileSetId} |
Scheduling | Shift Profile Sets | Delete Shift Profile Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_profile_sets/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Create Schedule Group | POST | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Create Schedule Groups | POST | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Update Schedule Group by ID | PUT | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Update Schedule Groups | POST | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Delete Schedule Group by ID | DELETE | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Delete Schedule Groups | POST | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Retrieve Schedule Score Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Create Schedule Score Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Update Schedule Score Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Delete Schedule Score Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Retrieve Shift Template Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Retrieve Shift Template Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Create Shift Template Profile | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Create Shift Template Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Update Shift Template Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Update Shift Template Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Delete Shift Template Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Delete Shift Template Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles/multi_delete |
Timekeeping Setup | Adjustment Rules | Create or Update Adjustment Rule Versions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/adjustment_rules/versions/apply_upsert |
Work (Activities) | Activity Historical Net Changes | Retrieve Historical Net Changes for Activity Shifts | POST | /v1/work/activity_shifts/historical_net_changes/multi_read |
Note: This update contains version 2 API operations which replace deprecated version 1 operations. Refer to the table in the following topic for more information:
Version 2 resources and operations
Important Note: We recommend you update your implementations to utilize version 2 operations as they provide better security, performance, and functionality.
The following version 2 operations replace deprecated version 1 operations:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Retrieve All Schedule Groups or by Name | GET | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Retrieve Schedule Group by ID | GET | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Retrieve Schedule Groups | POST | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups/multi_read |
R9 Update 2
The following operations were added to the API in R9 Update 2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Employee Photos | Retrieve Photos for Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/profile_photos/multi_read |
Common Resources II > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Update Known Place by Persistent ID | PUT | /v1/commons/known_places |
Common Resources II > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Delete Known Place by Persistent ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/known_places |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Requestable Shift Templates for Self-Scheduling | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/shift_templates/multi_read |
Forecasting | Basic Accuracy Engine | Execute Basic Accuracy Metrics Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/accuracy_basic_engine/apply_create |
Forecasting | Basic Accuracy Engine | Delete Basic Accuracy Metrics | POST | /v1/forecasting/accuracy_basic_engine/apply_delete |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Retrieve Labor Distribution Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/multi_read |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Create Labor Distribution Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/multi_create |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Update Labor Distribution Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/multi_update |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Delete Labor Distribution Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/multi_delete |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Retrieve Labor Distribution Group Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/multi_read |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Create Labor Distribution Group Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/multi_create |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Update Labor Distribution Group Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/multi_update |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Delete Labor Distribution Group Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/multi_delete |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Retrieve Machine Learning Model by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Retrieve Machine Learning Models | POST | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/multi_read |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Create Machine Learning Models | POST | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/multi_create |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Update Machine Learning Model by ID | PUT | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Update Machine Learning Models | POST | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/multi_update |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Delete Machine Learning Model by ID | DELETE | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Delete Machine Learning Models | POST | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models/multi_delete |
Person Assignments | Certification Assignments | Delete Certification Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/certifications/apply_delete |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Retrieve School Calendar Profile Assignment by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Retrieve School Calendar Profile Assignment by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/{personId} |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Retrieve School Calendar Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/multi_read |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Update School Calendar Profile Assignment by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/{personId} |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Update School Calendar Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/multi_update |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Delete School Calendar Profile Assignment by Person ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/{personId} |
Person Assignments | School Calendar Profile Assignments | Delete School Calendar Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/school_calendar_profiles/multi_delete |
Person Assignments | Skill Assignments | Delete Skill Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/skills/apply_delete |
Platform > Integrations | File-based Integrations | Delete Integration by ID | DELETE | /v1/platform/integrations/{id} |
Platform > Integrations | Integration List Parameters | Retrieve Integration List Parameter by Name | GET | /v1/platform/integration_list_parameters/{name} |
Platform > Integrations | Integration List Parameters | Create or Update Integration List Parameters | POST | /v1/platform/integration_list_parameters/apply_update |
Platform > Integrations | Integration Schedules | Update Scheduled Integration Instance by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/integration_schedules/{id} |
Scheduling | Employment Terms for Manager | Retrieve Employment Terms Schedule Statuses | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_terms_schedule/status/multi_read |
Scheduling | Group Schedules for Manager | Retrieve Group Schedule Statuses | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/groups/status/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | School Calendar Profiles | Retrieve All Active School Calendar Profiles | GET | /v1/scheduling/school_calendar_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Retrieve All Schedule Score Definitions or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Retrieve Schedule Score Definition by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Create Schedule Score Definition | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Update Schedule Score Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Definitions | Delete Schedule Score Definition by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_score_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Factors | Retrieve All Schedule Score Factors | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/score_factors |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Factors | Retrieve Schedule Score Factor by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/score_factors/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Score Factors | Update Schedule Score Factor by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/score_factors/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Automatic Signoff | Retrieve Automatic Signoff Status | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/auto_signoff |
Work (Activities) | Active Team Members | Retrieve Active Team Members | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/active_members/multi_read |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resources | Retrieve Resource by ID | GET | /v1/work/setup/resources/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resources | Create Resource | POST | /v1/work/setup/resources |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resources | Update Resource by ID | PUT | /v1/work/setup/resources/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resources | Delete Resource by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/setup/resources/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resource Queries | Retrieve All Resource Queries or by Name | GET | /v1/work/setup/resources/queries |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resource Queries | Retrieve Resource Query by ID | GET | /v1/work/setup/resources/queries/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resource Queries | Create Resource Query | POST | /v1/work/setup/resources/queries |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resource Queries | Update Resource Query by ID | PUT | /v1/work/setup/resources/queries/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Resource Queries | Delete Resource Query by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/setup/resources/queries/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Retrieve All Activity Teams or by Name | GET | /v1/work/teams |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Retrieve Activity Team by ID | GET | /v1/work/teams/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Retrieve Activity Teams | POST | /v1/work/teams/multi_read |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Create Activity Team | POST | /v1/work/teams |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Create or Update Activity Teams | POST | /v1/work/teams/multi_upsert |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Update Activity Team by ID | PUT | /v1/work/teams/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Delete Activity Team by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/teams/{id} |
Work (Activities) | Activity Teams | Delete Activity Teams | POST | /v1/work/teams/multi_delete |
Work (Activities) | Activity Team Resources | Retrieve All Days of a Week | GET | /v1/work/teams/setup/days_of_week |
Work (Activities) | Activity Team Segments | Retrieve Activity Team Segments | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/multi_read |
Work (Activities) | Activity Team Segments | reate or Update Activity Team Segments | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/multi_upsert |
Work (Activities) | Activity Team Segments | Delete Activity Team Segments | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/multi_delete |
Work (Activities) | Activity Team Segment Audits | Retrieve Activity Team Segment Audits | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/audits/multi_read |
Work (Activities) | Team Segments Net Changes | Retrieve Net Changes for Team Segments | POST | /v1/work/team_segments/net_changes/apply_read |
Work (Activities) | Team Transactions | Retrieve Team Transactions | POST | /v1/work/team_transactions/multi_read |
R9 Update 1
The following operations were added to the API in R9 Update 1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Messaging Notifications | Delete Notifications by Cache Key | DELETE | /v2/commons/notifications/cache/{cacheKey} |
Common Resources I | Transaction Assistant | Retrieve All Transaction Assistant Records | POST | /v1/commons/transaction_assistant/multi_read |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attribute Start Day Of Week | Retrieve a Location Attribute Week Span | POST | /v1/commons/start_day_weeks/apply_read |
Forecasting | Labor Period Overrides | Retrieve Labor Period Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_period_overrides/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Period Overrides | Create or Update Labor Period Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_period_overrides/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Labor Period Overrides | Delete Labor Period Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_period_overrides/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Period Overrides | Retrieve Overridable Tasks by Department | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_period_overrides/overridable_department_tasks/apply_read |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Retrieve All Labor Distribution Groups or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Retrieve Labor Distribution Group by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Create Labor Distribution Group | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Update Labor Distribution Group by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Delete Labor Distribution Group by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Retrieve All Allocation Method Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/setup/allocation_method_types |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Groups | Retrieve All Borrow Hours Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_groups/setup/borrow_hours_types |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Retrieve All Labor Distribution Group Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Retrieve Labor Distribution Group Profile by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Retrieve Labor Distribution Group Profile by Location | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/apply_read |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Create Labor Distribution Group Profile | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Update Labor Distribution Group Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Distribution Group Profiles | Delete Labor Distribution Group Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_distribution_group_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting Setup | Labor Standards | Retrieve Labor Driver Adjustment Operations | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/labor_driver_operations |
Healthcare Analytics | Billing Department and Work Unit Maps | Retrieve All Billing Department and Work Unit Maps | GET | /v1/hca/volume/billing_department_maps |
Healthcare Analytics | Billing Department and Work Unit Maps | Create or Update Billing Department and Work Unit Maps | POST | /v1/hca/volume/billing_department_maps/multi_upsert |
People | Persons | Retrieve All Persons | POST | /v1/commons/persons/apply_read |
People | Persons | Retrieve Current User | GET | /v1/commons/persons/current_user_info |
Platform > Integrations | File-based Integrations | Retrieve Integration Process by ID | GET | /v1/platform/integrations/{id} |
Platform > Integrations | File-based Integrations | Create an Integration Process | POST | /v1/platform/integrations |
Platform > Integrations | File-based Integrations | Update Integration by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/integrations/{id} |
Platform > Integrations | Integration Executions | Retrieve Integration Executions | POST | /v1/platform/integration_executions/multi_read |
Platform > Integrations | SFTP Connections | Retrieve All SFTP Connections | GET | /v1/platform/integrations/sftp_connections |
Platform > Integrations | SFTP Connections | Retrieve SFTP Connection by ID | GET | /v1/platform/integrations/sftp_connections/{id} |
Platform > Integrations | SFTP Connections | Test SFTP Connection by ID | GET | /v1/platform/integrations/sftp_connections/{id}/connection_status |
Platform > Integrations | SFTP Connections | Update SFTP Connections for Integrations | POST | /v1/platform/integrations/sftp_connections/apply_update |
Timekeeping Setup | Break Rules | Retrieve GDAP-filtered Break Rule by ID | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/break_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Break Rules | Retrieve GDAP-filtered Break Rules | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/break_rules |
The following operations were added to the API in R9:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Feature Switches | Retrieve Feature Switch by Name | GET | /v1/commons/feature_switch/{name} |
Common Resources I | Feature Switches | Retrieve Feature Switches | POST | /v1/commons/feature_switch/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Generic Data Access Profiles | Create or Update Generic Data Access Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/generic_data_access_profiles/apply_upsert |
Common Resources I | Generic Data Access Profiles | Retrieve Generic Data Access Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/generic_data_access_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attribute Assignments | Retrieve Location Attribute Value | POST | /v1/commons/location_attribute_assignments/apply_read |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Retrieve Location Attribute by Criteria | GET | /v1/commons/location_attributes |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Retrieve Location Attribute by ID | GET | /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id} |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Retrieve Location Attributes | POST | /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_read |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Create Location Attribute | POST | /v1/commons/location_attributes |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Create or Update Location Attributes | POST | /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_upsert |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Update Location Attribute by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id} |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Delete Location Attribute by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/location_attributes/{id} |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Attributes | Delete Location Attributes | POST | /v1/commons/location_attributes/multi_delete |
Common Resources II > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Retrieve Known Places | POST | /v1/commons/known_places/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast Intervals Engine | Execute Volume Forecast Intervals Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast_intervals_engine/apply_create |
Forecasting Setup | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve Volume Forecast Intervals | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/resources/volume_forecast_intervals |
Person Assignments | Aggregated Person Assignments | Retrieve All Assignments by Criteria | GET | /v1/commons/persons/assignments |
Scheduling Setup | Absence Quota Overrides | Retrieve Absence Quota Overrides | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/team_definition/absence_quota_overrides/apply_read |
Scheduling Setup | Absence Quota Overrides | Create, Update, or Delete Absence Quota Overrides | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/team_definition/absence_quota_overrides/apply_upsert |
Scheduling Setup | ESS Calendar Settings | Retrieve Transfer Types for ESS Calendar Settings | GET | /v1/scheduling/ess_calendar_settings/transfer_types |
Scheduling | Manager Schedules | Retrieve Employee Schedule Statuses | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/status/multi_read |
Scheduling | Scheduling Engines | Retrieve Scheduling Engine Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule/apply_update/{id}/status |
Scheduling | Scheduling Engines | Retrieve Scheduling Engine Asynchronous Response Payload by Key | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule/apply_update/{id}/response |
Scheduling | Scheduling Engines | Retrieve Summary of Scheduling Engine Asynchronous Delegate Profile Jobs | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule/apply_update/async |
Scheduling | Scheduling Engines | Execute Scheduling Engine Asynchronously | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/apply_update/async |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve All Strategies or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Strategy by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Strategies | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Strategies Assigned to Location by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/strategies_assignments |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Strategies Assigned to Locations | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/strategies_assignments/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Locations Assigned to Strategy by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/{strategy_id}/location_assignments |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve Locations Assigned to Strategies | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/location_assignments/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Retrieve All Parameter Definitions for Strategies or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/settings |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Create Strategy | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Create Strategies | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/multi_create |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Update Strategy by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Update Strategies | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/multi_update |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Update Strategy Assignments to Locations | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/location_assignments/apply_update |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Delete Strategy by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Generation Engine Strategies | Delete Strategies | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_generation_engine_strategies/multi_delete |
Note: This update contains version 2 API operations which replace deprecated version 1 operations. Refer to the table in the following topic for more information:
Version 2 resources and operations
Important Note: We recommend you update your implementations to utilize version 2 operations as they provide better security, performance, and functionality.
The following version 2 operations replace deprecated version 1 operations:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Groups | Retrieve All Schedule Groups or by Name | GET | /v2/scheduling/setup/schedule_groups |
R8 Update 3
The following operations were added to the API in R8 Update 3:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Sets | Delete Location Sets | POST | /v1/commons/location_sets/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Indicators | Retrieve All Indicators or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/indicators |
Scheduling Setup | Indicators | Retrieve Indicator by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/indicators/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Indicators | Retrieve Indicators | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/indicators/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Request Subtypes | Retrieve Request Subtype by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/request_subtypes |
Scheduling Setup | Request Subtypes | Retrieve Request Subtype by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/request_subtypes/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Request Subtypes | Retrieve Request Subtypes | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/request_subtypes/multi_read |
Note: This update contains version 2 API operations which replace deprecated version 1 operations. Refer to the table in the following topic for more information:
Version 2 resources and operations
Important Note: We recommend you update your implementations to utilize version 2 operations as they provide better security, performance, and functionality.
The following version 2 operations replace deprecated version 1 operations:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Leave | Leave Case Statuses | Retrieve Leave Case Statuses | GET | /v2/leave/case_statuses |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Codes | Retrieve Accrual Codes | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/accrual_codes |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycodes as Manager | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycodes as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_codes |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode by ID as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_codes/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode Symbolic Values as Manager | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_symbolic_values |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode Symbolic Values as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_code_symbolic_values |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode Symbolic Value by ID as Manager | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_symbolic_values/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode Symbolic Value by ID as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_code_symbolic_values/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Timekeeping Pay Rules | Retrieve All Timekeeping Pay Rules | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/payrules |
Timekeeping Setup | Timekeeping Pay Rules | Create Timekeeping Pay Rule | POST | /v2/timekeeping/setup/payrules |
Timekeeping Setup | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rules as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_work_rules |
R8 Update 2
The following operations were added to the API in R8 Update 2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Cost Centers | Retrieve Cost Centers | POST | /v1/commons/cost_centers/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Labor Category Entries | Retrieve Labor Category Entries | POST | /v1/commons/labor_entries/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Labor Category Lists | Create or Update Labor Category Lists | POST | /v1/commons/labor_category_lists/multi_upsert |
Common Resources I | Labor Category Profiles | Create or Update Labor Category Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/labor_category_profiles/multi_upsert |
Common Resources I | Payroll Export | Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Payroll Export Jobs | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/export/async |
Common Resources I | Payroll Export | Retrieve Payroll Export Asynchronous Response Payload by Key | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/export/async/{executionKey}/response |
Common Resources I | Payroll Export | Retrieve Payroll Export Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/export/async/{executionKey}/status |
Common Resources I | Payroll Export | Export Payroll Asynchronously | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/export/async |
Common Resources I | Payroll Export | Export Small Batch Payroll | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/export |
Common Resources I | Payroll Staging | Retrieve Asynchronous Payroll Extraction Details by ID | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/staging/{requestId}/details |
Common Resources I | Payroll Staging | Retrieve Payroll Extraction Asynchronous Request Status by ID | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/staging/{requestId}/status |
Common Resources I | Payroll Staging | Execute Payroll Extraction Asynchronously | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/staging/async |
Common Resources I | Payroll Tables | Retrieve Payroll Table by Name | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/tables/{name} |
Common Resources I | Payroll Tables | Retrieve All Payroll Tables | GET | /v1/commons/payroll/tables |
Common Resources I | Payroll Tables | Create Payroll Table | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/tables/apply_create |
Common Resources I | Payroll Tables | Create or Update Payroll Table | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/tables/apply_upsert |
Common Resources I | Payroll Tables | Delete Payroll Table by Name | DELETE | /v1/commons/payroll/tables/{name} |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Availability Pattern Requests | Retrieve Availability Pattern Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_availability_pattern_requests/{availabilityPatternRequestId} |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Availability Pattern Requests | Retrieve Request Subtypes by Availability Type | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_availability_pattern_requests/request_subtypes |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Availability Pattern Requests | Create Availability Pattern Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_availability_pattern_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Availability Pattern Requests | Update Availability Pattern Request State | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_availability_pattern_requests/apply_update |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Availability Pattern Requests | Retrieve Availability Pattern Requests as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/manager_availability_pattern_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Availability Pattern Requests | Update Availability Pattern Request State as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/manager_availability_pattern_requests/apply_update |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Retrieve All Machine Learning Models or by Name | GET | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Create Machine Learning Model | POST | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models |
Forecasting Setup | Machine Learning Models | Delete Machine Learning Model by Name | DELETE | /v2/forecasting/machine_learning_models |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Retrieve Batch Event by ID | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Retrieve All Batch Events | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Retrieve Batch Tasks by Batch Event ID | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/{id}/batch_tasks |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Create Batch Events | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/multi_create |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Update Batch Events by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Update Batch Events | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/apply_update |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Delete Batch Event by ID | DELETE | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Events | Delete Batch Events | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/multi_delete |
Platform > Batch Processing | Schedule Batch Events | Schedule Batch Events | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_events/schedule/multi_create |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Retrieve Batch Group by ID | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Retrieve All Batch Groups | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Retrieve Batch Events by Batch Group ID | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/{id}/batch_events |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Create Batch Groups | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/multi_create |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Update Batch Groups by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Update Batch Groups | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/apply_update |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Delete Batch Group by ID | DELETE | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Groups | Delete Batch Groups | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_groups/multi_delete |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Job Statuses | Retrieve Batch Job Statuses | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_job_status/multi_read |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Retrieve Batch Task by ID | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Retrieve All Batch Tasks | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Retrieve All Batch Task Action Types | GET | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/setup/action_types |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Create Batch Tasks | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/multi_create |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Update Batch Tasks by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Update Batch Tasks | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/apply_update |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Delete Batch Task by ID | DELETE | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/{id} |
Platform > Batch Processing | Batch Tasks | Delete Batch Tasks | POST | /v1/platform/batch_processing/batch_tasks/multi_delete |
Platform | Change Indicators | Retrieve Marker Types | GET | /v1/platform/change_indicators |
Platform | Change Indicators | Retrieve Marker Events | POST | /v1/platform/change_indicators/markers/apply_read |
Platform | Change Indicators | Retrieve Subscriptions | GET | /v1/platform/change_indicators/subscriptions |
Platform | Change Indicators | Retrieve Cadences | GET | /v1/platform/change_indicators/setup/cadence |
Platform | Change Indicators | Retrieve Retention Periods | GET | /v1/platform/change_indicators/setup/retention_periods |
Platform | Change Indicators | Subscribe or Unsubscribe to Change Indicators | POST | /v1/platform/change_indicators/subscriptions/{action} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Retrieve Schedule Event by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Retrieve Schedule Event by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Retrieve Schedule Events | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Create Schedule Event | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Create Schedule Events | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Update Schedule Event by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Update Schedule Events | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Delete Schedule Event by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Events | Delete Schedule Events | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_events/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Retrieve All Schedule Event Rules or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Retrieve Schedule Event Rule by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Retrieve Schedule Event Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Create Schedule Event Rule | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Create Schedule Event Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Update Schedule Event Rule by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Update Schedule Event Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Delete Schedule Event Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Event Rules | Delete Schedule Event Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_event_rules/multi_delete |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Create Attestation Questions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/multi_create |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Update Attestation Questions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/multi_update |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Create Attestation Answers | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/multi_create |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Update Attestation Answers | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/multi_update |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Manual Time Entry Workflows | Retrieve Manual Time Entry Workflows | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_manual_entry_process |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Complete Manual Time Entry Attestation Process | Complete Manual Time Entry Attestation Process | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_manual_entry_process/complete |
Timekeeping Bulk Operations | Bulk Payroll Lock | Bulk Payroll Lock | POST | /v1/commons/payroll/lock/apply_update |
Timekeeping Setup | Pay Code Tags | Retrieve All Pay Code Tags | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_tags |
Timekeeping Setup | Pay Code Tags | Retrieve Pay Code Tag by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_tags/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Pay Code Tags | Create Pay Code Tag | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_tags |
Timekeeping Setup | Pay Code Tags | Update Pay Code Tag by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_tags/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Pay Code Tags | Delete Pay Code Tag by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_tags/{id} |
Work | Activities | Retrieve Activity Export Definitions | POST | /v1/work/activities/exports/apply_read |
Work | Activity Shifts | Delete Activity Shifts | POST | /v1/work/activity_shifts/multi_delete |
Note: This update contains version 2 API operations which replace deprecated version 1 operations. Refer to the table in the following topic for more information:
Version 2 resources and operations
Important Note: We recommend you update your implementations to utilize version 2 operations as they provide better security, performance, and functionality.
The following version 2 operations replace deprecated version 1 operations:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources II > Business Structures | Location Sets | Retrieve Paginated List of Location Sets | POST | /v2/commons/location_sets/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve a Forecast Week | GET | /v2/forecasting/forecast_week |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Start Day | GET | /v2/forecasting/forecast_week/start_day |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Start Days | POST | /v2/forecasting/forecast_week/start_days/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Default Start Day | GET | /v2/forecasting/forecast_week/default_start_day |
Forecasting | Static Drivers | Retrieve All Static Drivers or by Name | GET | /v2/forecasting/static_drivers |
Forecasting | Static Drivers | Retrieve Static Driver by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/static_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast | Import Volume Forecast | POST | /v2/forecasting/volume_forecast/import |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast Model Types | Retrieve All Volume Forecast Model Types | GET | /v2/forecasting/volume_forecast_model_types |
Forecasting | Week Symbolic Periods | Retrieve Week Symbolic Period Types | GET | /v2/forecasting/week_symbolic_periods |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve All Generic Categories or by Name | GET | /v2/forecasting/generic_categories |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve Generic Category by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/generic_categories/{id} |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve Generic Categories | POST | /v2/forecasting/generic_categories/multi_read |
R8 Update 1
Note: This update introduces the first version 2 API resources, which replace deprecated version 1 operations. Refer to the table in the following topic for more information:
Version 2 resources and operations
Important Note: We recommend you update your implementations to utilize version 2 operations as they provide better security, performance, and functionality.
The following operations were added to the API in R8 Update 1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Retrieve All Access Method Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Retrieve Access Method Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Retrieve Access Method Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Retrieve Access Methods | GET | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/access_methods |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Retrieve Role Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/role_profiles |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Create Access Method Profile | POST | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Create or Update Access Method Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/multi_upsert |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Update Access Method Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Delete Access Method Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources I | Access Method Profiles | Delete Access Method Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/access_method_profiles/multi_delete |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Delete Hours of Operation Effective Version | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation/versions/apply_delete |
Forecasting | Daily Actual Volume | Create Daily Actual Volume | POST | /v1/forecasting/daily_actual_volume/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Delete Labor Forecast Limit Effective Version | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/versions/apply_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Delete Labor Task Effective Version by Criteria | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks/versions/apply_delete |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Delete Task Group Effective Version by Criteria | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/versions/apply_delete |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve Task Groups by Criteria | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/apply_read |
Forecasting | Traffic Patterns | Retrieve Traffic Patterns | POST | /v1/forecasting/traffic_patterns/multi_read |
Forecasting | Traffic Patterns | Create Traffic Patterns | POST | /v1/forecasting/traffic_patterns/multi_create |
Forecasting | Traffic Patterns | Delete Traffic Patterns | POST | /v1/forecasting/traffic_patterns/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Traffic Pattern Engine | Execute Traffic Pattern Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/traffic_pattern_engine/apply_create |
Platform | Action Templates | Retrieve All Announcement Action Templates | GET | /v1/platform/announcements/action_templates |
Platform | Action Templates | Retrieve Announcement Action Template by ID | GET | /v1/platform/announcements/action_templates/{id} |
Platform | Employee Announcements | Retrieve Announcement Message Response by ID as Employee | GET | /v1/platform/announcements/employee_announcements/{id} |
Platform | Employee Announcements | Update Announcement Message Response as Employee | POST | /v1/platform/announcements/employee_announcements/apply_update |
Platform | Manager Announcements | Retrieve Announcement Message Response by ID as Manager | GET | /v1/platform/announcements/manager_announcements/{id} |
Platform | Manager Announcements | Retrieve Announcement Messages as Manager | POST | /v1/platform/announcements/manager_announcements/apply_read |
Platform | Manager Announcements | Create Announcement as Manager | POST | /v1/platform/announcements/manager_announcements |
Platform | Kiosk | Retrieve Kiosk Login Transactions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/kiosk_instance_logins/apply_read |
Platform | Kiosk | Retrieve All Kiosk Configurations | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosks |
Platform | Kiosk | Retrieve Kiosk Configuration by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosks/{id} |
Platform | Kiosk | Create Kiosk Configuration | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosks |
Platform | Kiosk | Update Kiosk Configuration by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosks/{id} |
Platform | Kiosk | Delete Kiosk Configuration by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosks/{id} |
Platform | Kiosk | Retrieve All Kiosk Instances | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosk_instances |
Platform | Kiosk | Retrieve Kiosk Instance by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosk_instances/{id} |
Platform | Kiosk | Create Kiosk Instance | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosk_instances |
Platform | Kiosk | Update Kiosk Instance by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosk_instances/{id} |
Platform | Kiosk | Delete Kiosk Instance by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/kiosk_instances/{id} |
Platform > Reporting | Report Requests | Retrieve Paginated List of Scheduled Report Requests | POST | /v1/platform/scheduled_reports/apply_read |
Platform > Reporting | Report Executions | Retrieve Report History by Criteria | POST | /v1/platform/report_executions/apply_read |
Scheduling | Rule Violations | Evaluate Employee Rule Violations | POST | /v1/scheduling/violations/evaluate |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Retrieve All Attestation Answers or by Name | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Retrieve Attestation Answer by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Retrieve Attestation Answers | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/multi_read |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Create Attestation Answer | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Update Attestation Answer by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Delete Attestation Answer by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Answers | Delete Attestation Answers | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_answers/multi_delete |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Retrieve All Attestation Questions or by Name | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Retrieve Attestation Question by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Retrieve Attestation Questions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/multi_read |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Create Attestation Question | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Update Attestation Question by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Delete Attestation Question by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/{id} |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Questions | Delete Attestation Questions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_questions/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Bulk Asynchronous Paycode Edits | Bulk Import Paycode Edits Asynchronously | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/import/async |
Timekeeping | Bulk Asynchronous Paycode Edits | Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Paycode Edit Import Jobs | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/import/async |
Timekeeping | Bulk Asynchronous Paycode Edits | Retrieve Paycode Edit Import Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/import/async/{execution_key}/status |
Timekeeping | Bulk Asynchronous Paycode Edits | Retrieve Asynchronous Paycode Edit Import Response Payload by Key | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/import/async/{execution_key}/response |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Create Exception Tile | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Create Exception Tiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Update Exception Tiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Delete Exception Tile by ID | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Delete Exception Tiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Pending Historical Compute Corrections Jobs | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/compute/async |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Compute Pending Historical Corrections Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/compute/{id}/status |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Compute Pending Historical Corrections | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/compute/async |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Compute Pending Historical Corrections Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/compute/{id}/results |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Save Pending Historical Corrections Jobs | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/save/async |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Save Pending Historical Corrections Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/save/{id}/status |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Save Pending Historical Corrections | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/save/async |
Timekeeping | Pending Historical Corrections | Retrieve Asynchronous Saved Pending Historical Corrections by Key | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pending_historical_corrections/save/{id}/results |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Policies | Retrieve Accrual Policy by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/accrual_policies/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Policies | Retrieve Accrual Policies | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/accrual_policies/multi_read |
Timekeeping Setup | Employment Terms | Update Employment Term Versions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/employment_terms/versions/apply_upsert |
Timekeeping Setup | Time-Off Rules | Retrieve All Time-Off Rules | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/time_off_rules |
The following version 2 operations replace deprecated version 1 operations:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Cost Centers | Retrieve Cost Center by ID | GET | /v2/commons/cost_centers/{id} |
Common Resources I | Cost Centers | Retrieve All Cost Centers | GET | /v2/commons/cost_centers |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Retrieve All Hours of Operation or by Name | GET | /v2/commons/hours_operation |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Hours of Operation by ID | GET | /v2/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation/multi_read |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Create Hours of Operation | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Create Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation/multi_create |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Update Hours of Operation by ID | PUT | /v2/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Update Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation/multi_update |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Delete Hours of Operation by ID | DELETE | /v2/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources I | Hours of Operation | Delete Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v2/commons/hours_operation/multi_delete |
Common Resources I | Labor Categories | Retrieve Labor Category by ID | GET | /v2/commons/labor_categories/{id} |
Common Resources I | Labor Categories | Retrieve All Labor Categories or by Name | GET | /v2/commons/labor_categories |
Common Resources I | Labor Category Entries | Retrieve Labor Category Entry by ID | GET | /v2/commons/labor_entries/{id} |
Common Resources I | Labor Category Entries | Retrieve Labor Category Entries by Category ID | GET | /v2/commons/labor_entries |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limit by Name | GET | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limit by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limits by Criteria | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/apply_read |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Create Labor Forecast Limit | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Create Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Update Labor Forecast Limit by ID | PUT | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Update Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Delete Labor Forecast Limit by ID | DELETE | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Delete Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | Import Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_standard_tasks/import |
Forecasting | Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | Purge Labor Standards | POST | /v2/forecasting/labor_standard_tasks/purge |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve All Labor Tasks or by Specification | GET | /v2/forecasting/tasks |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve Labor Task by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve Labor Tasks | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Create Labor Task | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Create Labor Tasks | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Update Labor Task by ID | PUT | /v2/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Update Labor Tasks | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Delete Labor Task by ID | DELETE | /v2/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Delete Labor Tasks | POST | /v2/forecasting/tasks/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve All Task Groups or by Name or Generic Department | GET | /v2/forecasting/task_groups |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve a Task Group by ID | GET | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve Task Groups | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/multi_read |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Create Task Group | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Create Task Groups | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/multi_create |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Update Task Group by ID | PUT | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Update Task Groups | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/multi_update |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Delete Task Group by ID | DELETE | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Delete Task Groups | POST | /v2/forecasting/task_groups/multi_delete |
People > Person Assignments | Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | Retrieve Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v2/commons/persons/minor_rules |
People > Person Assignments | Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | Retrieve Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments by ID | GET | /v2/commons/persons/minor_rules/{person_id} |
People > Person Assignments | Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | Retrieve Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | POST | /v2/commons/persons/minor_rules/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | Update Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments by ID | PUT | /v2/commons/persons/minor_rules/{person_id} |
People > Person Assignments | Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | Update Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments | POST | /v2/commons/persons/minor_rules/multi_upsert |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile Assignment by Person Number | GET | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | GET | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Update Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | PUT | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Update Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Delete Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | DELETE | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Delete Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v2/commons/persons/paycode_value_profiles/multi_delete |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve Schedule Rule Override by ID | GET | /v2/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/{person_id} |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve All Schedule Rule Overrides or by Person Number | GET | /v2/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve Schedule Rule Overrides | POST | /v2/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences by ID | GET | /v2/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences by Person Number | GET | /v2/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences |
People > Person Assignments | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences | POST | /v2/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/multi_read |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Profiles | Retrieve All Accrual Profiles | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/accrual_profiles |
Timekeeping Setup | Accrual Profiles | Retrieve Accrual Profile by ID | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/accrual_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Bonus and Deduction Rules | Retrieve Bonus or Deduction Rule by ID | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/deduct_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Bonus and Deduction Rules | Retrieve Bonus and Deduction Rules | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/deduct_rules |
Timekeeping Setup | Employment Terms | Retrieve All Employment Terms | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employment_terms |
Timekeeping Setup | Employment Terms | Retrieve Employment Term by ID | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employment_terms/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycodes as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_codes |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes for Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycode by ID as Employee | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/employee_pay_codes/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rules as Manager | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/work_rules |
Timekeeping Setup | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rule by ID as Manager | GET | /v2/timekeeping/setup/work_rules/{id} |
The following operations were added to the API in R8:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Periods | Retrieve Symbolic Periods Grouped by Type | POST | /v1/commons/symbolicperiod/types |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Purposes | Retrieve All Symbolic Purposes or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/symbolic_purposes |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Purposes | Retrieve Symbolic Purpose by ID | GET | /v1/commons/symbolic_purposes/{id} |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Purposes | Create Symbolic Purpose | POST | /v1/commons/symbolic_purposes |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Purposes | Update Symbolic Purpose by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/symbolic_purposes/{id} |
Common Resources I | Symbolic Purposes | Delete Symbolic Purpose by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/symbolic_purposes/{id} |
Forecasting | Actual Volume | Retrieve Actual Volume by Sites | POST | /v1/forecasting/actual_volume/apply_read |
Forecasting | Generic Departments | Retrieve All Generic Departments or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/generic_departments |
Forecasting | Generic Departments | Retrieve Generic Department by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/generic_departments/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Budget | Retrieve Labor Budget Values | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_budget/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Create Labor Standard | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Create Labor Standards | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Update Labor Standards | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Delete Labor Standard by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Delete Labor Standards | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve Task Groups by Name or Generic Department | GET | /v1/forecasting/task_groups |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve a Task Group by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Retrieve Task Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/multi_read |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Create Task Group | POST | /v1/forecasting/task_groups |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Create Task Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/multi_create |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Update Task Group by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Update Task Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/multi_update |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Delete Task Group by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/{id} |
Forecasting | Task Groups | Delete Task Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/task_groups/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve All Labor Tasks or by Specification | GET | /v1/forecasting/tasks |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve Labor Task by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Retrieve Labor Tasks | POST | /v1/forecasting/tasks/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Create Labor Task | POST | /v1/forecasting/tasks |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Create Labor Tasks | POST | /v1/forecasting/tasks/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Update Labor Task by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Update Labor Tasks | POST | /v1/forecasting/tasks/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Delete Labor Task by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/tasks/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Tasks | Delete Labor Tasks | POST | /v1/forecasting/tasks/multi_delete |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles | Retrieve All Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles | GET | /v1/hca/work_unit_hyperfind_profiles |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles | Create or Update Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles | POST | /v1/hca/work_unit_hyperfind_profiles/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Units | Retrieve All Work Units | GET | /v1/commons/work_units |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Units | Create or Update Work Units | POST | /v1/commons/work_units/multi_upsert |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Retrieve All Employee Glance Settings or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Retrieve Employee Glance Setting by ID | GET | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/{id} |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Retrieve Employee Glance Settings | POST | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/multi_read |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Create Employee Glance Setting | POST | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Create or Update Employee Glance Settings | POST | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/multi_upsert |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Update Employee Glance Setting by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/{id} |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Delete Employee Glance Setting by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/{id} |
People | Employee Glance Settings | Delete Employee Glance Settings | POST | /v1/commons/employee_glance_settings/multi_delete |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Display and Submit Forms | Create Attestation Display Form | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation/displayed_forms |
Timekeeping > Attestations | Attestation Display and Submit Forms | Create Attestation Submit Form | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation/submitted_forms |
Timekeeping Setup | Timecard Add-On Group Options | Retrieve Timecard Add-On Group Options | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_groups |
Work | Activity Transactions | Retrieve Activity Transactions | POST | /v1/work/activity_transactions/multi_read |
Work | Activity Query Resources | Retrieve All Query Types | GET | /v1/work/queries/setup/query_types |
R7 Update 3
The following operations were added to the API in R7 Update 3:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Retrieve Adjustment Driver Settings by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Retrieve All Adjustment Driver Settings or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Retrieve Adjustment Driver Settings by Location | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/apply_read |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Retrieve Adjustment Driver Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/multi_read |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Create Adjustment Driver Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Create Multiple Adjustment Driver Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/multi_create |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Update Adjustment Driver Settings by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Update Multiple Adjustment Driver Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/multi_update |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Delete Adjustment Driver Settings by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Adjustment Driver Settings | Delete Multiple Adjustment Driver Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_driver_settings/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Retrieve a Labor Constraint Profile by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Retrieve All Labor Constraint Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Retrieve a Labor Constraint Profile by Location | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/apply_read |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Retrieve Labor Constraint Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Create a Labor Constraint Profile | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Create Labor Constraint Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Update a Labor Constraint Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Update Labor Constraint Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Delete a Labor Constraint Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Profiles | Delete Labor Constraint Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_profiles/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Labor Constraint Settings by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve All Labor Constraint Settings or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Labor Constraint Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Create Labor Constraint Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Create Multiple Labor Constraint Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Update Labor Constraint Settings by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Update Multiple Labor Constraint Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Delete Labor Constraint Settings by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Delete Multiple Labor Constraint Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Period Distributions | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/setup/period_distributions |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Labor Forecast Distribution Method Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/setup/labor_forecast_distribution_method_types |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Adjustment Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/setup/adjustment_types |
Forecasting | Labor Constraint Settings | Retrieve Control Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_constraint_settings/setup/control_types |
Forecasting | Static Driver Assignments | Update Static Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/static_driver_assignments/multi_update |
R7 Update 2
The following operations were added to the API in R7 Update 2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources I | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve Summary of Asynchronous Delegate Profile Jobs | GET | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async |
Common Resources I | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve Delegate Profile Asynchronous Request Status by Key | GET | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async/{executionKey}/status |
Common Resources I | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve Asynchronous Response Payload by Key | GET | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/async/{executionKey}/response |
Common Resources I | Delegate Profiles | Add or Remove Delegate Profile Delegates Asynchronously | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/apply_upsert/async |
Common Resources I | Delegate Profiles | Create or Update Delegate Profiles Asynchronously | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_upsert/async |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Retrieve Labor Forecasts for Multiple Locations | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Forecasts | Retrieve Volume Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecasts/multi_read |
Scheduling | Paycode Edits—Scheduling | Create Paycode Edits with Options (replaces R7 Update 1 version) | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/pay_code_edits/apply_import |
R7 Update 1
The following operations were added to the API in R7 Update 1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Retrieve Known IP Addresses | GET | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Retrieve Known IP Address by ID | GET | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses/{id} |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Create Known IP Address | POST | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Create or Update Known IP Addresses | POST | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Update Known IP Address by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses/{id} |
Common Resources | Known IP Addresses | Delete Known IP Address by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/known_ip_addresses/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Create Labor Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast/multi_create |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Process Status | Retrieve Volume Process Status by Key | GET | /v1/hca/volume/{executionKey}/status |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Pattern Template Profile Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Pattern Template Profile Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Pattern Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Update Pattern Template Profile Assignment by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Update Pattern Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Delete Pattern Template Profile Assignment by Person ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Pattern Template Profile Assignments | Delete Pattern Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pattern_template_profiles/multi_delete |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Shift Template Profile Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Shift Template Profile Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Retrieve Shift Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Update Shift Template Profile Assignment by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Update Shift Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Delete Shift Template Profile Assignment by Person ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Shift Template Profile Assignments | Delete Shift Template Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/shift_template_profiles/multi_delete |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Retrieve Worker Type Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Retrieve Worker Type Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Retrieve Worker Type Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Update Worker Type Assignment by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Update Worker Type Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Delete Worker Type Assignment by Person ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Worker Type Assignments | Delete Worker Type Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/worker_types/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Retrieve Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Retrieve Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings by Specification | GET | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Retrieve Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings by Object Refs | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Create Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Create Multiple Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Update Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Update Multiple Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Delete Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | Delete Multiple Holiday and Unscheduled Day Request Settings | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Pattern Template Profiles | Retrieve All Pattern Template Profiles | GET | /v1/scheduling/pattern_template_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Shift Template Profiles | Retrieve All Shift Template Profiles | GET | /v1/scheduling/shift_templates_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Worker Types | Retrieve All Worker Types | GET | /v1/scheduling/worker_types |
Scheduling | Paycode Edits—Scheduling | Create Paycode Edits with Options | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/pay_code_edits/import |
Work | Activity Assignments | Retrieve Activities for Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/work/employee_activities/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in R7:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Authentication and security | Manage UI sessions | Log Out a UI Session | POST | /v1/auth/logout |
Common Resources | Cost Centers | Retrieve Paginated List of Cost Centers | POST | /v1/commons/cost_centers/apply_read |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve All Delegate Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve Delegate Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Retrieve Delegate Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Create Delegate Profile | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Create or Update Delegate Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Update Delegate Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Delete Delegate Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Delete Delegate Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Delegate Profiles | Add or Remove Delegate Profile Delegates | POST | /v1/commons/delegate_profiles/apply_upsert |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Retrieve All Known Places | GET | /v1/commons/known_places |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Retrieve Known Place by ID | GET | /v1/commons/known_places/{id} |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Create Known Place | POST | /v1/commons/known_places |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Create Known Places | POST | /v1/commons/known_places/multi_create |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Create or Update Known Places | POST | /v1/commons/known_places/multi_upsert |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Update Known Place by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/known_places/{id} |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Delete Known Place by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/known_places/{id} |
Common Resources > Known Places | GPS Known Places | Delete Known Places | POST | /v1/commons/known_places/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Labor Category Lists | Retrieve Labor Category List of Entries | POST | /v1/commons/labor_category_lists/apply_read |
Common Resources | Labor Category Profiles | Retrieve Paginated List of Labor Category Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/labor_category_profiles/apply_read |
Common Resources | Labor Category Profiles | Retrieve Labor Category Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/labor_category_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources | Labor Category Entries | Retrieve Paginated List of Labor Category Entries | POST | /v1/commons/labor_entries/apply_read |
Common Resources | TeleTime IP User Profiles | Retrieve TeleTime IP User Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/teletime_ip/user_profiles |
Common Resources | Timecard Approval Methods | Retrieve Timecard Approval Methods | GET | /v1/commons/timecard_approval_methods |
Common Resources | Transfer Display Profiles | Retrieve All Transfer Display Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/transfer_display_profiles |
Common Resources | Transfer Display Profiles | Retrieve Transfer Display Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/transfer_display_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Transfer Display Profiles | Create Transfer Display Profile | POST | /v1/commons/transfer_display_profiles |
Common Resources | Transfer Display Profiles | Update Transfer Display Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/transfer_display_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Transfer Display Profiles | Delete Transfer Display Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/transfer_display_profiles/{id} |
Employee Self-Service | Fill Open Shifts | Send Open Shift Notifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/fill_open_shifts/notify |
Employee Self-Service | Fill Open Shifts | Accept Open Shift | POST | /v1/scheduling/fill_open_shifts/accept |
Employee Self-Service | Fill Open Shifts | Decline Open Shift | POST | /v1/scheduling/fill_open_shifts/decline |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Analyzer | Execute Labor Forecast Analyzer | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_analyzer/apply_create |
Healthcare Analytics | Charge Masters | Retrieve All Charge Masters | GET | /v1/hca/volume/charge_masters |
Healthcare Analytics | Charge Masters | Create or Update Charge Masters | POST | /v1/hca/volume/charge_masters/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Charge Masters | Retrieve Volume Labels | POST | /v1/hca/volume/charge_masters/volume_labels/multi_read |
Healthcare Analytics | Raw Volume | Create or Update Raw Volume | POST | /v1/hca/volume/raw_volume/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Copy Maps | Retrieve All Volume Copy Maps | GET | /v1/hca/volume/volume_copy_maps |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Copy Maps | Create or Update Volume Copy Maps | POST | /v1/hca/volume/volume_copy_maps/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Copy Override Maps | Retrieve All Volume Copy Override Maps | GET | /v1/hca/volume/volume_copy_override_maps |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Copy Override Maps | Create or Update Volume Copy Override Maps | POST | /v1/hca/volume/volume_copy_override_maps/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Volume Recalculation | Recalculate Volume | POST | /v1/hca/volume/recalculate/async |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Unit Hyperfinds | Retrieve All Work Unit Hyperfinds | GET | /v1/hca/work_unit_hyperfinds |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Unit Hyperfinds | Create or Update Work Unit Hyperfinds | POST | /v1/hca/work_unit_hyperfinds/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | Work Unit Hyperfinds | Execute Work Unit Hyperfind | POST | /v1/hca/work_unit_hyperfinds/apply_read |
People | Aggregated Person Assignments | Retrieve All Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/assignments/{id} |
People | Aggregated Person Assignments | Retrieve All Assignments for Multiple People | POST | /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_read |
People | Aggregated Person Assignments | Modify Assignments for Multiple People | POST | /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_upsert |
People | Aggregated Person Assignments | Retrieve All Assignment Names | GET | /v1/commons/persons/assignments/names |
People | Employee Wage Work Rules | Retrieve Employee Wage and Work Rules | POST | /v1/commons/persons/wage_work_rules/multi_read |
People | Employee Wage Work Rules | Create or Update Wage and Work Rule Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/persons/wage_work_rules/multi_upsert |
People > Person Assignments | Manager Role Assignments | Retrieve Manager Role Assignments by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/manager_role_assignments/{person_id} |
People > Person Assignments | Manager Role Assignments | Retrieve Manager Role Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/manager_role_assignments |
People > Person Assignments | Manager Role Assignments | Retrieve Manager Role Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/manager_role_assignments/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Manager Role Assignments | Update Manager Role Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/manager_role_assignments/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Manager Role Assignments | Create, Update, or Delete Manager Role Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/manager_role_assignments/apply_upsert |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Retrieve Schedule Group Profile Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Retrieve Schedule Group Profile Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Retrieve Schedule Group Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Update Schedule Group Profile Assignment by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Update Schedule Group Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/multi_update |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Delete Schedule Group Profile Assignment by Person ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Group Profile Assignments | Delete Schedule Group Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_group_profiles/multi_delete |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Override Employee Preferences | Retrieve Schedule Override Employee Preferences by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/schedule_generation_overrides |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Override Employee Preferences | Retrieve Schedule Override Employee Preferences by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/schedule_generation_overrides/{personId} |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Override Employee Preferences | Retrieve Schedule Override Employee Preferences | POST | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/schedule_generation_overrides/multi_read |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Override Employee Preferences | Create or Update Schedule Override Employee Preferences | POST | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/schedule_generation_overrides/multi_upsert |
People > Person Assignments | Schedule Override Employee Preferences | Update Schedule Override Employee Preferences by Person ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/schedule_generation_overrides/{personId} |
Platform > Integrations | Integration Executions | Download File by Integration | GET | /v1/platform/integration_executions/{id}/file |
Platform > Integrations | Integration Executions | Retrieve File Names by Integration ID | GET | /v1/platform/integration_executions/{id}/filelist |
Scheduling | Call Logs | Retrieve Call Log by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/call_logs/{id} |
Scheduling | Call Logs | Retrieve Call Logs | POST | /v1/scheduling/call_logs/multi_read |
Scheduling | Call Logs | Create Call Log | POST | /v1/scheduling/call_logs |
Scheduling | Call Logs | Create Call Logs | POST | /v1/scheduling/call_logs/multi_create |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Profiles | Retrieve All Schedule Group Profiles | GET | /v1/scheduling/scheduling_group_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Create Standard Shift Set | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Create Standard Shift Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Update Standard Shift Set by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Update Standard Shift Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Delete Standard Shift Set by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Delete Standard Shift Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Set Assignments | Retrieve Standard Shift Set Location Assignments with Locations | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/assignments/apply_read |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Set Assignments | Delete Standard Shift Set Location Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/assignments/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Set Assignments | Create or Update Standard Shift Set Location Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/assignments/multi_upsert |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Set Assignments | Delete Standard Shift Set Location Assignments by Shift Set | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/assignments/apply_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Retrieve All Occurrence Definitions or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Retrieve Occurrence Definition by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Retrieve Occurrence Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Create Occurrence Definition | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Create Occurrence Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Update Occurrence Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Update Occurrence Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Delete Occurrence Definition by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Occurrence Definitions | Delete Occurrence Definitions | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/occurrence_definitions/multi_delete |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Retrieve All Combination Rules | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Retrieve Combination Rule by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Retrieve Combination Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/multi_read |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Create Combination Rule | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Create Combination Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/multi_create |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Create or Update Combination Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/apply_upsert |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Update Combination Rule by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Update Combination Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/multi_update |
Timekeeping Setup | Combination Rules | Delete Combination Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Combination Rules | Delete Combination Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/combination_rules/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Retrieve All Exception Categories | GET | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Retrieve Exception Category by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/{id} |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Retrieve Exception Categories | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Create Exception Category | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Create Exception Categories | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Update Exception Category by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/{id} |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Update Exception Categories | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Delete Exception Categories | POST | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Delete Exception Category by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/exception_categories/{id} |
Timekeeping | Exception Categories | Retrieve All Exception Types | GET | /v1/timekeeping/exception_types |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Retrieve All Exception Tiles | GET | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Retrieve Exception Tile by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Exception Tiles | Update Exception Tile by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/exception_tiles/{id} |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Retrieve Full Paycodes—Manager | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/paycodes |
Timekeeping Setup | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Retrieve Full Paycode by ID—Manager | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/paycodes/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Columns | Retrieve Timecard Add-On Columns | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_columns |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Profiles | Retrieve All Timecard Add-On Profiles | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_profiles |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Profiles | Retrieve Timecard Add-On Profile by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Profiles | Create Timecard Add-On Profile | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_profiles |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Profiles | Update Timecard Add-On Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Profiles | Delete Timecard Add-On Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Add-On Types | Retrieve Timecard Add-On Types | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_addon_types |
R6 Update 4
The following operations were added to the API in R6 Update 4:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Platform | Menu Items | Retrieve All Menu Items | GET | /v1/platform/user_interface/links |
Platform > Reporting | Report Data Objects | Generate Report Data Object Batched Requests by Name | POST | /v1/platform/report_dataobjects/{name}/data/generate_request_batches |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Retrieve Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Create Paycode | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Create Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Create or Update Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/multi_upsert |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Update Paycode by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/{id} |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Update Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Delete Paycode by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/{id} |
Timekeeping | Paycodes—Timekeeping | Delete Paycodes | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_codes/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Retrieve All Paycode Distributions or by Name | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Retrieve Paycode Distribution by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Retrieve Paycode Distributions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Create Paycode Distribution | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Create Paycode Distributions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Update Paycode Distribution by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Update Paycode Distributions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Create or Update Paycode Distributions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/apply_upsert |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Delete Paycode Distribution by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Paycode Distributions | Delete Paycode Distributions | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/pay_code_distributions/multi_delete |
R6 Update 3
The following operations were added to the API in R6 Update 3:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Update Labor Standard | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/apply_update |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Retrieve Target Threshold by ID | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/{id} |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Retrieve Target Thresholds | POST | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/multi_read |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Retrieve Target Threshold Short Names | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/short_names |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Export Target Threshold Data | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/export |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Create or Update Target Thresholds | POST | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/multi_upsert |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Thresholds | Update a Target Threshold by ID | POST | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/{id} |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Threshold Evaluation Period | Retrieve Target Threshold Evaluation Period | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/eval_period |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Threshold Indicator Texts | Retrieve All Target Threshold Indicator Texts | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/indicator_texts |
Platform > KPI Framework | Target Threshold Operators | Retrieve All Target Threshold Operators | GET | /v1/platform/target_thresholds/operators |
Platform > Reporting | Report Data Objects | Generate Report Data Object Batched Requests by Name | POST | /v1/platform/report_dataobjects/{name}/data/generate_request_batches |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Retrieve All Work Rules | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rule by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Retrieve Work Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Create Work Rule | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Create Work Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Update Work Rule by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Update Work Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Delete Work Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Work Rules | Delete Work Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/full_work_rules/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Eligible Default Activities | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/eligible_default_activities |
Work | Activity Efficiencies | Retrieve Activity Efficiencies | POST | /v1/work/activity_efficiencies/multi_read |
R6 Update 2
The following operations were added to the API in R6 Update 2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Platform | Menu Items | Retrieve All Menu Items | GET | /v1/platform/user_interface/links |
R6 Update 1
The following operations were added to the API in R6 Update 1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Retrieve Reviewer List by Criteria | GET | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Retrieve Reviewer List by ID | GET | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/{id} |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Retrieve Reviewers for Reviewer Lists | GET | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/reviewers |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Create Reviewer List | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Create Reviewer Lists | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/multi_create |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Update Reviewer List by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/{id} |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Update Reviewer Lists | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/multi_update |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Delete Reviewer List by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/{id} |
Common Resources | Reviewer Lists | Delete Reviewer Lists | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_lists/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Reviewer Purposes | Retrieve All Reviewer Purposes or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/reviewer_purpose |
Common Resources | Reviewer Purposes | Retrieve Reviewer Purpose by ID | GET | /v1/commons/reviewer_purpose/{id} |
Common Resources | Reviewer Purposes | Create Reviewer Purpose | POST | /v1/commons/reviewer_purpose |
Common Resources | Reviewer Purposes | Update Reviewer Purpose by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/reviewer_purpose/{id} |
Common Resources | Reviewer Purposes | Delete Reviewer Purpose by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/reviewer_purpose/{id} |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Event Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/event_types |
Work | Activity Shifts | Retrieve Activity Shifts | POST | /v1/work/activity_shifts/multi_read |
Work | Activity Profile Resources | Retrieve Variance Check Types | GET | /v1/work/activity_profiles/setup/variance_check_types |
The following operations were added to the API in R6:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Create Custom Tile | POST | /v1/commons/custom_tiles |
Common Resources | Employee Groups | Retrieve Employee Groups | POST | /v1/commons/employee_groups/multi_read |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Retrieve All Average Pay Rate Sets | GET | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Retrieve Average Pay Rate Set - One Location | POST | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/apply_read |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Create Average Pay Rate Set | POST | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Create Average Pay Rate Sets | POST | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/multi_create |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Update Average Pay Rate Set by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/{id} |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Update Average Pay Rate Sets | POST | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/multi_update |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Delete Average Pay Rate Set by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/{id} |
Common Resources | Average Pay Rate Sets | Delete Average Pay Rate Sets | POST | /v1/commons/average_pay_rate_sets/multi_delete |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Shift Cover Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/{id} |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Shift Cover Requests | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Create Shift Cover Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Update Shift Cover Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/apply_update |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Candidate Employees | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/candidate_employees |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Shift Cover Request Subtypes | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/request_subtypes |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Offerable Shifts | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/shifts |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Cover Requests | Retrieve Submission Periods | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_cover_requests/submission_periods |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Cover Requests | Retrieve Shift Cover Request by ID as Manager | GET | /v1/scheduling/cover_requests/{id} |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Cover Requests | Retrieve Rule Violations for Shift Cover Request | GET | /v1/scheduling/cover_requests/{id}/rule_violations |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Cover Requests | Retrieve Shift Cover Requests as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/cover_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Cover Requests | Update Shift Cover Request as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/cover_requests/apply_update |
Forecasting | Volume Analyzer | Retrieve Anomaly Scores | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_analyzer/anomaly_scores |
Forecasting | Volume Analyzer | Retrieve History Years | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_analyzer/history_years |
Forecasting | Volume Analyzer | Retrieve Analysis Data Sample Sizes | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_analyzer/analysis_data_sample_sizes |
Forecasting | Volume Analyzer | Execute Volume Analyzer | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_analyzer/apply_create |
Forecasting | Adjustment Drivers | Retrieve Adjustment Driver Values | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_drivers/multi_read |
Forecasting | Adjustment Drivers | Update Adjustment Driver Values | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_drivers/apply_upsert |
Forecasting | Adjustment Drivers | Update Values for Multiple Adjustment Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/adjustment_drivers/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Payroll Job Maps | Retrieve Payroll Job Maps | GET | /v1/hca/payroll/job_maps |
Human Capital Management | People Profiles | Retrieve All People Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/people_profiles |
Human Capital Management | People Profiles | Retrieve People Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/people_profiles/{id} |
Human Capital Management | People Profiles | Retrieve People Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/profiles/people_profiles/multi_read |
Human Capital Management | Profile Field Maps | Retrieve All Profile Field Maps | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_field_mappings |
Human Capital Management | Profile Field Maps | Retrieve Profile Field Maps | POST | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_field_mappings/multi_read |
Human Capital Management | Profile Field Maps | Create or Update Profile Field Maps | POST | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_field_mappings/multi_upsert |
Human Capital Management | Profile Templates | Retrieve All Profile Templates | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_templates |
Human Capital Management | Profile Templates | Retrieve Profile Template by ID | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_templates/{id} |
Human Capital Management | Profile Templates | Retrieve Profile Templates | POST | /v1/commons/profiles/profile_templates/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Direct Assignments | Retrieve All People Direct Assignment Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/profiles/people_direct_assignments |
People | Person Assignments > Person Common ID | Retrieve Persons without an Assigned AOID | POST | /v1/commons/persons/external_id/apply_read |
Platform > Integrations | Integration Executions | Submit Integration Execution Custom Errors | POST | /v1/platform/integration_executions/{id}/custom_errors |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Retrieve Employment Term Schedule Pattern by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/{id} |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Retrieve Employment Term Schedule Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/multi_read |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Create Employment Term Schedule Pattern | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/apply_create |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Update or Remove Employment Term Schedule Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/apply_update |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Delete Employment Term Schedule Pattern by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/{id} |
Scheduling | Employment Term Schedule Patterns | Retrieve Employment Term Schedule Pattern Configuration | GET | /v1/scheduling/employment_term_schedule_patterns/builder |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Retrieve Schedule Group Pattern by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Retrieve Schedule Group Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Create Schedule Group Pattern | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/apply_create |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Update or Remove Schedule Group Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/apply_update |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Delete Schedule Group Pattern by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Group Patterns | Retrieve Schedule Group Pattern Configuration | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_group_patterns/builder |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Retrieve All Skills and Certifications Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Retrieve Skills and Certifications Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Retrieve Skills and Certifications Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Create Skills and Certifications Profile | POST | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Create Skills and Certifications Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/multi_create |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Update Skills and Certifications Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Update Skills and Certifications Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/multi_update |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Delete Skills and Certifications Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Skills and Certifications Profiles | Delete Skills and Certifications Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/skill_certification_profiles/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Employment Terms | Retrieve Employment Terms | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/employment_terms/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Retrieve Overtime Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Percentage Allocation Rules | Retrieve Percentage Allocation Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/percentage_allocation_rules/multi_read |
Work | Activities | Retrieve Activity by Name | GET | /v1/work/activities |
Work | Activities | Retrieve Activity by ID | GET | /v1/work/activities/{id} |
Work | Activities | Retrieve Activities | POST | /v1/work/activities/multi_read |
Work | Activities | Create Activity | POST | /v1/work/activities |
Work | Activities | Create Activities | POST | /v1/work/activities/multi_create |
Work | Activities | Create or Update Activities | POST | /v1/work/activities/multi_upsert |
Work | Activities | Update Activity by ID | PUT | /v1/work/activities/{id} |
Work | Activities | Update Activities | POST | /v1/work/activities/multi_update |
Work | Activities | Delete Activity by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/activities/{id} |
Work | Activities | Delete Activities | POST | /v1/work/activities/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Data Access Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/data_access_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Activity Complete Statuses | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/complete_statuses |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Quantity Allocation Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/quantity_allocation_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Activity Process Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/process_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Activity Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/activity_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Activity Held History | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/held_histories |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Hours Allocation Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/hours_allocation_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Activity Priority Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/priority_types |
Work | Activity Resources | Retrieve All Sequence Validation Types | GET | /v1/work/activities/setup/sequence_validation_types |
Work | Activity Profiles | Retrieve All Activity Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/work/activity_profiles |
Work | Activity Profiles | Retrieve Activity Profile by ID | GET | /v1/work/activity_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Profiles | Retrieve Activity Profiles | POST | /v1/work/activity_profiles/multi_read |
Work | Activity Profiles | Create Activity Profile | POST | /v1/work/activity_profiles |
Work | Activity Profiles | Create Activity Profiles | POST | /v1/work/activity_profiles/multi_create |
Work | Activity Profiles | Update Activity Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/work/activity_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Profiles | Update Activity Profiles | POST | /v1/work/activity_profiles/multi_update |
Work | Activity Profiles | Delete Activity Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/activity_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Profiles | Delete Activity Profiles | POST | /v1/work/activity_profiles/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Shifts | Create or Update Activity Shifts | POST | /v1/work/activity_shifts/multi_upsert |
Work | Activity Net Changes | Retrieve Net Changes for Activity Shift | POST | /v1/work/activity_shifts/net_changes/multi_read |
Work | Activity Customers | Retrieve All Customers or by Name | GET | /v1/work/customers |
Work | Activity Customers | Retrieve Customer by ID | GET | /v1/work/customers/{id} |
Work | Activity Customers | Retrieve Customers | POST | /v1/work/customers/multi_read |
Work | Activity Customers | Create Customer | POST | /v1/work/customers |
Work | Activity Customers | Create Customers | POST | /v1/work/customers/multi_create |
Work | Activity Customers | Update Customer by ID | PUT | /v1/work/customers/{id} |
Work | Activity Customers | Update Customers | POST | /v1/work/customers/multi_update |
Work | Activity Customers | Delete Customer by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/customers/{id} |
Work | Activity Customers | Delete Customers | POST | /v1/work/customers/multi_delete |
Work | Field Definitions | Retrieve All Field Definitions or by Name | GET | /v1/work/field_definitions |
Work | Field Definitions | Retrieve Field Definition by ID | GET | /v1/work/field_definitions/{id} |
Work | Field Definitions | Retrieve Field Definitions | POST | /v1/work/field_definitions/multi_read |
Work | Field Definitions | Create Field Definition | POST | /v1/work/field_definitions |
Work | Field Definitions | Create Field Definitions | POST | /v1/work/field_definitions/multi_create |
Work | Field Definitions | Update Field Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/work/field_definitions/{id} |
Work | Field Definitions | Update Field Definitions | POST | /v1/work/field_definitions/multi_update |
Work | Field Definitions | Delete Field Definition by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/field_definitions/{id} |
Work | Field Definitions | Delete Field Definitions | POST | /v1/work/field_definitions/multi_delete |
Work | Form Profiles | Retrieve All Form Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/work/form_profiles |
Work | Form Profiles | Retrieve Form Profile by ID | GET | /v1/work/form_profiles/{id} |
Work | Form Profiles | Retrieve Form Profiles | POST | /v1/work/form_profiles/multi_read |
Work | Form Profiles | Create Form Profile | POST | /v1/work/form_profiles |
Work | Form Profiles | Create Form Profiles | POST | /v1/work/form_profiles/multi_create |
Work | Form Profiles | Update Form Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/work/form_profiles/{id} |
Work | Form Profiles | Update Form Profiles | POST | /v1/work/form_profiles/multi_update |
Work | Form Profiles | Delete Form Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/form_profiles/{id} |
Work | Form Profiles | Delete Form Profiles | POST | /v1/work/form_profiles/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Forms | Retrieve All Activity Forms or by Name | GET | /v1/work/forms |
Work | Activity Forms | Retrieve Activity Form by ID | GET | /v1/work/forms/{id} |
Work | Activity Forms | Retrieve Activity Forms | POST | /v1/work/forms/multi_read |
Work | Activity Forms | Create Activity Form | POST | /v1/work/forms |
Work | Activity Forms | Create Activity Forms | POST | /v1/work/forms/multi_create |
Work | Activity Forms | Update Activity Form by ID | PUT | /v1/work/forms/{id} |
Work | Activity Forms | Update Activity Forms | POST | /v1/work/forms/multi_update |
Work | Activity Forms | Delete Activity Form by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/forms/{id} |
Work | Activity Forms | Delete Activity Forms | POST | /v1/work/forms/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve All Form Types | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/form_types |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve All Entry Types | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/entry_types |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve All Validation Types | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/validation_types |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve All Input Source Types | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/input_source_types |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve All Control Types or Only Applicable Type | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/control_types |
Work | Activity Form Resources | Retrieve Offline Forms | GET | /v1/work/forms/setup/offline_forms |
Work | Paycode Actions | Retrieve All Paycode Actions or by Name | GET | /v1/work/pay_code_actions |
Work | Paycode Actions | Retrieve Paycode Action by ID | GET | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/{id} |
Work | Paycode Actions | Retrieve Paycode Actions | POST | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/multi_read |
Work | Paycode Actions | Create Paycode Action | POST | /v1/work/pay_code_actions |
Work | Paycode Actions | Create Paycode Actions | POST | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/multi_create |
Work | Paycode Actions | Update Paycode Action by ID | PUT | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/{id} |
Work | Paycode Actions | Update Paycode Actions | POST | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/multi_update |
Work | Paycode Actions | Delete Paycode Action by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/{id} |
Work | Paycode Actions | Delete Paycode Actions | POST | /v1/work/pay_code_actions/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Queries | Retrieve All Activity Queries or by Name | GET | /v1/work/queries |
Work | Activity Queries | Retrieve Activity Query by ID | GET | /v1/work/queries/{id} |
Work | Activity Queries | Retrieve Activity Queries | POST | /v1/work/queries/multi_read |
Work | Activity Queries | Create Activity Query | POST | /v1/work/queries |
Work | Activity Queries | Create Activity Queries | POST | /v1/work/queries/multi_create |
Work | Activity Queries | Update Activity Query by ID | PUT | /v1/work/queries/{id} |
Work | Activity Queries | Update Activity Queries | POST | /v1/work/queries/multi_update |
Work | Activity Queries | Delete Activity Query by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/queries/{id} |
Work | Activity Queries | Delete Activity Queries | POST | /v1/work/queries/multi_delete |
Work | Activity Query Resources | Retrieve All Activity Query Date Range Date Types | GET | /v1/work/queries/setup/date_types |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Retrieve All Activity Query Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/work/query_profiles |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Retrieve Activity Query Profile by ID | GET | /v1/work/query_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Retrieve Activity Query Profiles | POST | /v1/work/query_profiles/multi_read |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Create Activity Query Profile | POST | /v1/work/query_profiles |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Create Activity Query Profiles | POST | /v1/work/query_profiles/multi_create |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Update Activity Query Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/work/query_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Update Activity Query Profiles | POST | /v1/work/query_profiles/multi_update |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Delete Activity Query Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/query_profiles/{id} |
Work | Activity Query Profiles | Delete Activity Query Profiles | POST | /v1/work/query_profiles/multi_delete |
Work | Result Codes | Retrieve All Result Codes | GET | /v1/work/result_codes |
Work | Result Codes | Retrieve Result Code by ID | GET | /v1/work/result_codes/{id} |
Work | Result Codes | Retrieve Result Codes | POST | /v1/work/result_codes/multi_read |
Work | Result Codes | Create Result Code | POST | /v1/work/result_codes |
Work | Result Codes | Create Result Codes | POST | /v1/work/result_codes/multi_create |
Work | Result Codes | Update Result Code by ID | PUT | /v1/work/result_codes/{id} |
Work | Result Codes | Update Result Codes | POST | /v1/work/result_codes/multi_update |
Work | Result Codes | Create or Update Result Codes | POST | /v1/work/result_codes/multi_upsert |
Work | Result Codes | Delete Result Code by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/result_codes/{id} |
Work | Result Codes | Delete Result Codes | POST | /v1/work/result_codes/multi_delete |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Retrieve All Result Code Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/work/result_code_profiles |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Retrieve Result Code Profile by ID | GET | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/{id} |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Retrieve Result Code Profiles | POST | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/multi_read |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Create Result Code Profile | POST | /v1/work/result_code_profiles |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Create Result Code Profiles | POST | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/multi_create |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Update Result Code Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/{id} |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Update Result Code Profiles | POST | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/multi_update |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Delete Result Code Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/{id} |
Work | Result Code Profiles | Delete Result Code Profiles | POST | /v1/work/result_code_profiles/multi_delete |
Work | Results Templates | Retrieve All Results Templates or by Name | GET | /v1/work/results_templates |
Work | Results Templates | Retrieve Results Template by ID | GET | /v1/work/results_templates/{id} |
Work | Results Templates | Retrieve Results Templates | POST | /v1/work/results_templates/multi_read |
Work | Results Templates | Create Results Template | POST | /v1/work/results_templates |
Work | Results Templates | Create Results Templates | POST | /v1/work/results_templates/multi_create |
Work | Results Templates | Update Results Template by ID | PUT | /v1/work/results_templates/{id} |
Work | Results Templates | Update Results Templates | POST | /v1/work/results_templates/multi_update |
Work | Results Templates | Delete Results Template by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/results_templates/{id} |
Work | Results Templates | Delete Results Templates | POST | /v1/work/results_templates/multi_delete |
Work | Results Template Resources | Retrieve All Step Types | GET | /v1/work/results_templates/setup/step_types |
Work | Activity Settings | Retrieve All Activity Settings | GET | /v1/work/settings |
Work | Activity Settings | Retrieve Activity Setting by ID | GET | /v1/work/settings/{id} |
Work | Activity Settings | Retrieve Activity Settings | POST | /v1/work/settings/multi_read |
Work | Activity Settings | Update Activity Setting by ID | PUT | /v1/work/settings/{id} |
Work | Activity Settings | Update Activity Settings | POST | /v1/work/settings/multi_update |
Work | Units of Measure | Retrieve All Units of Measure or by Name | GET | /v1/work/units_of_measure |
Work | Units of Measure | Retrieve Unit of Measure by ID | GET | /v1/work/units_of_measure/{id} |
Work | Units of Measure | Retrieve Units of Measure | POST | /v1/work/units_of_measure/multi_read |
Work | Units of Measure | Create Unit of Measure | POST | /v1/work/units_of_measure |
Work | Units of Measure | Create Units of Measure | POST | /v1/work/units_of_measure/multi_create |
Work | Units of Measure | Update Unit of Measure by ID | PUT | /v1/work/units_of_measure/{id} |
Work | Units of Measure | Update Units of Measure | POST | /v1/work/units_of_measure/multi_update |
Work | Units of Measure | Delete Unit of Measure by ID | DELETE | /v1/work/units_of_measure/{id} |
Work | Units of Measure | Delete Units of Measure | POST | /v1/work/units_of_measure/multi_delete |
R5 Update 2
The following operations were added to the API in R5 Update 2:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Retrieve All Overtime Rules | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Retrieve Overtime Rule by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Retrieve Overtime Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Create Overtime Rule | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Create Overtime Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Update Overtime Rule by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Update Overtime Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Delete Overtime Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Overtime Rules | Delete Overtime Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/overtime_rules/multi_delete |
R5 Update 1
The following operations were added to the API in R5 Update 1:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Business Structures > Location Sets | Create or Update Location Set | POST | /v1/commons/location_sets/apply_upsert |
Common Resources | Timezones | Retrieve Timezone | GET | /v1/commons/setup/timezones |
Common Resources | Timezones | Retrieve Timezone by ID | GET | /v1/commons/setup/timezones/{id} |
Leave | Leave Profiles | Retrieve All Leave Profiles | GET | /v1/leave/leave_profiles |
Leave | Leave Profiles | Retrieve Leave Profile by ID | GET | /v1/leave/leave_profiles/{id} |
Leave | Leave Categories | Retrieve All Leave Categories or by Name | GET | /v1/leave/setup/leave_categories |
Leave | Leave Categories | Retrieve Leave Category by ID | GET | /v1/leave/setup/leave_categories/{id} |
Leave | Leave Categories | Retrieve Leave Categories | POST | /v1/leave/setup/leave_categories/multi_read |
Leave | Leave Reasons | Retrieve All Leave Reasons or by Name | GET | /v1/leave/setup/leave_reasons |
Leave | Leave Reasons | Retrieve Leave Reason by ID | GET | /v1/leave/setup/leave_reasons/{id} |
Leave | Leave Reasons | Retrieve Leave Reasons | POST | /v1/leave/setup/leave_reasons/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Retrieve All Fixed Rules | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Retrieve Fixed Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Create Fixed Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Create or Update Fixed Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/multi_upsert |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Update Fixed Rule by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Update Fixed Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Delete Fixed Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/multi_delete |
The following operations were added to the API in R5:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Business Structures > Jobs | Retrieve Job Mappings by Persistent IDs | POST | /v1/commons/jobs/persistent_ids/multi_read |
Common Resources | Business Structures > Location Types | Retrieve Location Types by Persistent IDs | POST | /v1/commons/location_types/persistent_ids/multi_read |
Common Resources | Business Structures > Locations | Retrieve Location Mappings by Persistent IDs | POST | /v1/commons/locations/persistent_ids/multi_read |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Definitions | Retrieve All Currency Definitions | GET | /v1/commons/currency/definitions |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Definitions | Retrieve Currency Definition by ID | GET | /v1/commons/currency/definitions/{id} |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Retrieve Base Currency Policy | GET | /v1/commons/currency/policies/base_currency |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Retrieve All Currency Policies | GET | /v1/commons/currency/policies |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Retrieve Currency Policy by ID | GET | /v1/commons/currency/policies/{id} |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Retrieve Currency Policies | POST | /v1/commons/currency/policies/multi_read |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Create Currency Policy | POST | /v1/commons/currency/policies |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Update Currency Policy | POST | /v1/commons/currency/policies/apply_update |
Common Resources | Currency > Currency Policies | Create or Update Currency Policies | POST | /v1/commons/currency/policies/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Currency > Exchange Rates | Retrieve Converted Amount | POST | /v1/commons/currency/conversions/apply_read |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Retrieve All Domain Event Categories | GET | /v1/commons/event_categories |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Retrieve Domain Event Category by ID | GET | /v1/commons/event_categories/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Retrieve Domain Event Categories | POST | /v1/commons/event_categories/multi_read |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Create Domain Event Category | POST | /v1/commons/event_categories |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Create or Update Domain Event Categories | POST | /v1/commons/event_categories/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Update Domain Event Category by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/event_categories/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Event Categories | Delete Domain Event Category by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/event_categories/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Retrieve All Domain Event Navigations | GET | /v1/commons/event_navigations |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Retrieve Domain Event Notification by ID | GET | /v1/commons/event_navigations/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Retrieve Domain Event Navigations | POST | /v1/commons/event_navigations/multi_read |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Create Domain Event Notification | POST | /v1/commons/event_navigations |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Create or Update Domain Event Navigations | POST | /v1/commons/event_navigations/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Update Domain Event Notification by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/event_navigations/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Event Navigations | Delete Domain Event Notification by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/event_navigations/{id} |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Retrieve All Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | GET | /v1/commons/event_notifications |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Retrieve Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID | GET | /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Retrieve Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | POST | /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_read |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Create a Dynamic Event Notification Mapping | POST | /v1/commons/event_notifications |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Create or Update Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | POST | /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Update a Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Delete Dynamic Event Notification Mapping by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/event_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Delete Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | POST | /v1/commons/event_notifications/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Dynamic Event Notification Mappings | Send Event Notifications | POST | /v1/commons/event_notifications/notify |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Retrieve All Domain Events | GET | /v1/commons/event_types |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Retrieve Domain Event by ID | GET | /v1/commons/event_types/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Retrieve Domain Events | POST | /v1/commons/event_types/multi_read |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Create Domain Event | POST | /v1/commons/event_types |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Create or Update Domain Events | POST | /v1/commons/event_types/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Update Domain Event by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/event_types/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Delete Domain Event by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/event_types/{id} |
Common Resources | Domain Events | Delete Domain Events | POST | /v1/commons/event_types/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Fiscal Calendars | Create Fiscal Periods | POST | /v1/commons/fiscal_calendars/import |
Common Resources | Fiscal Calendars | Delete Fiscal Periods | POST | /v1/commons/fiscal_calendars/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Retrieve All Generic Notifications | GET | /v1/commons/generic_notifications |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Retrieve Generic Notification by ID | GET | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Retrieve Generic Notifications | POST | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/multi_read |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Create a Generic Notification | POST | /v1/commons/generic_notifications |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Create or Update Generic Notifications | POST | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Update a Generic Notification | PUT | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Delete a Generic Notification | DELETE | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/{id} |
Common Resources | Generic Notifications | Delete Generic Notifications | POST | /v1/commons/generic_notifications/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Retrieve All Hours of Operation or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Hours of Operation by ID | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation/multi_read |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Create Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Create Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation/multi_create |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Update Hours of Operation by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Update Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation/multi_update |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Delete Hours of Operation by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/hours_operation/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation | Delete Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Assignments--One Location | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation_assignments |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Assignments--Multiple Locations | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_assignments/multi_read |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Assignments | Create or Update Hours of Operation Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_assignments/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Assignments | Delete Hours of Operation Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_assignments/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve All Hours of Operation Overrides or by Name | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override by ID | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/multi_read |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Create Hours of Operation Override | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Create Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/multi_create |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Update Hours of Operation Override by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Update Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/multi_update |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Delete Hours of Operation Override by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Overrides | Delete Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override Assignment | GET | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override_assignments |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_read |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Create or Update Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Delete Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_delete |
Common Resources | Hyperfind > Hyperfind Queries | Retrieve Hyperfind Query by ID | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind/{id} |
Common Resources | Information Access > Data Dictionary | Update or Create Data Elements | POST | /v1/commons/data_dictionary/data_elements/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Information Access > Data Dictionary | Retrieve Time Increments | GET | /v1/commons/data_dictionary/time_increments |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Retrieve All Entity Definitions | GET | /v1/commons/entity_definitions |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Retrieve Entity Definition by ID | GET | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/{id} |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Retrieve Entity Definitions | POST | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/multi_read |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Create Entity Definition | POST | /v1/commons/entity_definitions |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Create Entity Definitions | POST | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/multi_create |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Create or Update Entity Definitions | POST | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/multi_upsert |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Update Entity Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/{id} |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Update Entity Definitions | POST | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/multi_update |
Common Resources | Information Access > Entity Definitions | Delete Entity Definition by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/entity_definitions/{id} |
Forecasting | Budget Distribution Types | Retrieve All Budget Distribution Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/budget_distribution_types |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Retrieve All Forecasting Category Profiles, Only Active, or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Retrieve Forecasting Category Profile by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Retrieve Forecasting Category Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Create Forecasting Category Profile | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Create Forecasting Category Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/multi_create |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Update Forecasting Category Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Update Forecasting Category Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/multi_update |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Delete Forecasting Category Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecasting Category Profiles | Delete Forecasting Category Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_profiles/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Category Property Set Assignments | Create or Update Category Property Set Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_set_assignments/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Category Property Set Assignments | Delete Category Property Set Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_set_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Category Property Sets | Create Category Property Set | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_sets |
Forecasting | Category Property Sets | Create Category Property Sets | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_sets/multi_create |
Forecasting | Static Driver Assignments | Retrieve Static Driver Assignments by Category | GET | /v1/forecasting/static_driver_assignments |
Forecasting | Static Driver Assignments | Retrieve Static Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/static_driver_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Static Driver Assignments | Create Static Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/static_driver_assignments/multi_create |
Forecasting | Static Driver Assignments | Delete Static Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/static_driver_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast Model Types | Retrieve All Volume Forecast Model Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast_model_types |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Payroll Department Mappings | Retrieve All Payroll Department Mappings | GET | /v1/hca/payroll/department_maps |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Payroll Department Mappings | Create or Update Payroll Department Mappings | POST | /v1/hca/payroll/department_maps/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Analytics Employment Status Mappings | Retrieve All Analytics Employment Status Mappings | GET | /v1/hca/payroll/employment_status_maps |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Analytics Employment Status Mappings | Create or Update Analytics Employment Status Mappings | POST | /v1/hca/payroll/employment_status_maps/multi_upsert |
Healthcare Analytics | HCA Payroll Job Mappings | Create or Update Payroll Job Mappings | POST | /v1/hca/payroll/job_maps/multi_upsert |
Human Capital Management | HCM Payroll Aggregation | Retrieve Payroll Data for HCM | POST | /v1/hcm/payroll/data/apply_read |
Platform > Workflow | Workflow Business Processes | Retrieve Business Process | GET | /v1/platform/workflow/business_processes |
Platform > Workflow | Workflow Business Processes | Execute Business Process | POST | /v1/platform/workflow/business_processes/execute |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Categories | Retrieve All Mapping Categories | GET | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_categories |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Categories | Retrieve Mapping Category by ID | GET | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_categories/{id} |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Categories | Create Mapping Category | POST | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_categories |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Categories | Update Mapping Category by ID | PUT | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_categories/{id} |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Category Types | Retrieve All Mapping Category Types or by Name | GET | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_category_types |
Platform > KPI Framework | Mapping Category Types | Retrieve Mapping Category Type by ID | GET | /v1/platform/analytics/mapping_category_types/{id} |
Scheduling | Workload Coverage | Evaluate Workload Coverage Details | POST | /v1/scheduling/workload_coverage/workload_coverage_details/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Sets | Create Rule Set | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Sets | Update Rule Set by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/{ruleSetId} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Sets | Delete Rule Set by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/{ruleSetId} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Retrieve All Rule Set Location Assignments | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Retrieve Rule Set Location Assignment by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Create or Update Rule Set Location Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments/multi_upsert |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Create or Update Rule Set Location Assignment | PUT | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Delete Rule Set Location Assignment by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Delete Rule Set Location Assignments by Rule Set | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments/apply_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rule Set Location Assignments | Delete Rule Set Location Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/location_assignments/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Absence Spans | Retrieve Absence Spans | POST | /v1/timekeeping/absence_spans/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Retrieve Fixed Rule by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Create Fixed Rule | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Fixed Rules | Delete Fixed Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/fixed_rules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Retrieve Pay Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Create Pay Rule | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Create Pay Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/multi_create |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Update Pay Rule | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Update Pay Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Delete Timekeeping Setup Pay Rule by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | Delete Timekeeping Setup Pay Rules | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/payrules/multi_delete |
The following operations were added to the API in 4.11.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Timekeeping | Absence Spans | Retrieve Absence Spans | POST | /v1/timekeeping/absence_spans/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in 4.10.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Retrieve Attestation Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/attestation_profile_assignments/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Update Attestation Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/attestation_profile_assignments/multi_update |
Common Resources | Function Access Profiles | Retrieve All Function Access Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/function_access_profiles |
Common Resources | Function Access Profiles | Retrieve Function Access Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/function_access_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Function Access Profiles | Create Function Access Profile | POST | /v1/commons/function_access_profiles |
Common Resources | Function Access Profiles | Update Function Access Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/function_access_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Function Access Profiles | Delete Function Access Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/function_access_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Access Control Points | Retrieve All Access Control Points | GET | /v1/commons/access_control_points |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Set Assignments | Retrieve Shift Set Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/assignments/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Retrieve All Standard Shift Sets or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Retrieve Standard Shift Sets by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Standard Shift Sets | Retrieve Standard Shift Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/standard_shift_sets/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in 4.9.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Retrieve Employee Tag Assignments by Person ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/{person_id} |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Retrieve Employee Tag Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Retrieve Employee Tag Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Create Employee Tag Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Create Employee Tag Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/multi_create |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Create, Update, or Remove Employee Tag Assignments | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Create, Update, or Remove Employee Tag Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/multi_upsert |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Delete Employee Tag Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/apply_delete |
People | Person Assignments > Employee Tag Assignments | Delete Employee Tag Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employee_tags/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Employee Visibility Periods | Retrieve All Employee Visibility Periods or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/employee_visibility_periods |
Scheduling Setup | Employee Visibility Periods | Retrieve Employee Visibility Period by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/employee_visibility_periods/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Employee Visibility Periods | Retrieve Employee Visibility Periods | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/employee_visibility_periods/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Bulk Timecard Approvals | Bulk Timecard Approvals | POST | /v1/timekeeping/approvals/import |
Timekeeping | Bulk Timecard Approvals | Bulk Timecard Delete Approvals | POST | /v1/timekeeping/approvals/multi_delete |
The following operations were added to the API in 4.8.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling | Manager Schedules | Retrieve Employee Schedule Changes | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule/changes/multi_read |
Scheduling | Manager Schedule Actions | Send Schedule Change Notifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_management_actions/notifications/apply_update |
The following operation was added to the API in 4.7.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Bulk Downloads | Delete Bulk Downloads | POST | /v1/commons/exports/multi_delete |
The following operations were added to the API in 4.4.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Comments | Retrieve Comments-Employee | GET | /v1/commons/comments/employee_comments |
Common Resources | Control Center Profiles | Retrieve All Control Center Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/control_center_profiles |
Common Resources | Control Center Profiles | Retrieve Control Center Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/control_center_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Control Center Profiles | Retrieve Control Center Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/control_center_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources > Information Access | Dataview Profiles | Retrieve Dataview Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/dataview_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Retrieve All Display Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/display_profiles |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Retrieve Display Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/display_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Retrieve Display Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/display_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Create Display Profile | POST | /v1/commons/display_profiles |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Create Display Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/display_profiles/multi_create |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Update Display Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/display_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Update Display Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/display_profiles/multi_update |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Delete Display Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/display_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Display Profiles | Retrieve All Display Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/display_profiles |
Common Resources | Bulk Downloads | Submit Bulk Download | POST | /v1/commons/exports/async |
Common Resources | Bulk Downloads | Retrieve Download Request Summary | GET | /v1/commons/exports |
Common Resources | Bulk Downloads | Retrieve Download Status | GET | /v1/commons/exports/{id}/status |
Common Resources | Bulk Downloads | Retrieve Download Results | GET | /v1/commons/exports/{id}/file |
Common Resources > Information Access | Home Pages | Retrieve Home Page Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/home_pages/multi_read |
Common Resources > Hyperfind | Hyperfind Profiles | Retrieve All Hyperfind Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind_profiles |
Common Resources > Hyperfind | Hyperfind Profiles | Retrieve Hyperfind Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/hyperfind_profiles/{id} |
Common Resources > Hyperfind | Hyperfind Profiles | Retrieve Hyperfind Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/hyperfind_profiles/multi_read |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Jobs | Retrieve Effective Job by External ID | GET | /v1/commons/jobs/external_ids/{externalId} |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Jobs | Retrieve Effective Jobs by External IDs | POST | /v1/commons/jobs/external_ids/multi_read |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Location Types | Retrieve Location Type by External ID | GET | /v1/commons/location_types/external_ids/{externalId} |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Location Types | Retrieve Location Types by External IDs | POST | /v1/commons/location_types/external_ids/multi_read |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Locations | Retrieve Location by External IDs | GET | /v1/commons/locations/external_ids/{external_id} |
Common Resources > Business Structures | Locations | Retrieve Locations by External IDs | POST | /v1/commons/locations/external_ids/multi_read |
People | People Information Profiles | Retrieve All People Information Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/person_profiles |
People | People Information Profiles | Retrieve People Information Profile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/person_profiles/{id} |
People | People Information Profiles | Retrieve People Information Profiles | POST | /v1/commons/person_profiles/multi_read |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Retrieve Category Profile Assignment by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Retrieve Category Profile Assignment by Person Key | GET | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles/{personKey} |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Retrieve Category Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles/multi_read |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Create or Update Category Profile Assignment | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Update Category Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles/multi_update |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Delete Category Profile Assignment | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles |
People | Person Assignents > Category Profile Assignments | Delete Category Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/forecasting_category_profiles/multi_delete |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Retrieve All Percentage Allocation Rules | GET | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules/multi_read |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Retrieve Percentage Allocation Rules by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules/{personId} |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Retrieve Percentage Allocation Rules by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Assign Percentage Allocation Rule | POST | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Assign Percentage Allocation Rule—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules/multi_create |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Update Percentage Allocation Rule | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Update Percentage Allocation Rule—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules/multi_update |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Delete Percentage Allocation Rule | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules |
People | Person Assignents > Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments | Delete Percentage Allocation Rule—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/percentage_allocation_rules/multi_delete |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve All Schedule Rule Overrides or by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve Schedule Rule Override by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/{person_id} |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Retrieve Schedule Rule Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/multi_read |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Create Schedule Rule Override | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Create Schedule Rule Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/multi_create |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Update Schedule Rule Override | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Update Schedule Rule Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/multi_upsert |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Delete Schedule Rule Override by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/{schedule_rule_override_id} |
People | Person Assignents > Schedule Rule Overrides | Delete Schedule Rule Overrides | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_overrides/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Actual Volume | Retrieve Actual Volume by Site | POST | /v1/forecasting/actual_volume/multi_read |
Forecasting | Actual Volume | Import Actual Volume | POST | /v1/forecasting/actual_volume/import |
Forecasting | Category Property Set Assignments | Retrieve Category Property Set Assignment | GET | /v1/forecasting/category_property_set_assignments |
Forecasting | Category Property Set Assignments | Retrieve Category Property Set Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_set_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Category Property Sets | Retrieve All Category Property Sets or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/category_property_sets |
Forecasting | Category Property Sets | Retrieve Category Property Set by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/category_property_sets/{id} |
Forecasting | Category Property Sets | Retrieve Category Property Sets | POST | /v1/forecasting/category_property_sets/multi_read |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Retrieve All Combined Labor Distributions or by Specification | GET | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Retrieve Combined Labor Distribution by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/{id} |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Retrieve Combined Labor Distributions | POST | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/multi_read |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Create Combined Labor Distribution | POST | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Create Combined Labor Distributions | POST | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/multi_create |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Update Combined Labor Distribution by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/{id} |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Update Combined Labor Distributions | POST | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/multi_update |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Delete Combined Labor Distribution by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/{id} |
Forecasting | Combined Labor Distributions | Delete Combined Labor Distributions | POST | /v1/forecasting/combined_labor_distributions/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Combined Distribution Offset Types | Retrieve Combined Distribution Offset Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/combined_distribution_offset_types |
Forecasting | Combined Distribution Types | Retrieve Combined Distribution Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/combined_distribution_types |
Forecasting | Consolidated Labor Forecast | Retrieve Consolidated Labor Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/consolidated_labor_forecast/apply_read |
Forecasting | Custom Driver Assignments | Retrieve Custom Driver Assignments | GET | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_assignments |
Forecasting | Custom Driver Assignments | Retrieve Custom Driver Assignments by Context | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_assignments/apply_read |
Forecasting | Custom Driver Assignments | Retrieve Custom Driver Assignments by Category | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers | Retrieve Custom Driver Values | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_values/multi_read |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers | Update Custom Driver Values | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_values/apply_upsert |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers | Update Values for Multiple Custom Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_driver_values/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Retrieve a Custom Driver by Name and Generic Department | GET | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Retrieve a Custom Driver by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Retrieve Custom Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/multi_read |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Create Custom Driver | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Create Custom Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/multi_create |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Update Custom Driver by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Update Custom Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/multi_update |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Delete Custom Driver by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Custom Drivers Setup | Delete Custom Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/custom_drivers/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Earned Hours Engine | Execute Earned Hours Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/earned_hours_engine/apply_create |
Forecasting | Engine Status | Retrieve Engine Statuses | POST | /v1/forecasting/engine_statuses/apply_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Retrieve All Forecast Planner Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Retrieve a Forecast Planner Profile by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Retrieve Forecast Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Create a Forecast Planner Profile | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Create Forecast Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/multi_create |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Update a Forecast Planner Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Update Forecast Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/multi_update |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Delete a Forecast Planner Profile by Name | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Delete a Forecast Planner Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Profiles | Delete Forecast Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_profiles/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve All Forecast Planner Settings or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve a Forecast Planner Setting by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve Forecast Planner Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Create a Forecast Planner Setting | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Create Forecast Planner Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/multi_create |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Update a Forecast Planner Setting by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Update Forecast Planner Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/multi_update |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Delete a Forecast Planner Setting by Name | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Delete a Forecast Planner Setting by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/{id} |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Delete Forecast Planner Settings | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve Factor Definition Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/resources/factor_types |
Forecasting | Forecast Planner Settings | Retrieve Steps | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_planner_settings/resources/steps |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve a Forecast Week | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_week |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Start Day | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_week/start_day |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Start Days | POST | /v1/forecasting/forecast_week/start_days/multi_read |
Forecasting | Forecast Week | Retrieve Default Start Day | GET | /v1/forecasting/forecast_week/default_start_day |
Forecasting | Forecasting Audits | Retrieve Forecasting Audit Data | POST | /v1/forecasting/audit_records/multi_read |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve All Generic Categories or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/generic_categories |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve Generic Category by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/generic_categories/{id} |
Forecasting | Generic Categories | Retrieve Generic Categories | POST | /v1/forecasting/generic_categories/multi_read |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Retrieve All Hours of Operation or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Hours of Operation by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Retrieve Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/multi_read |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Create Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Create Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/multi_create |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Update Hours of Operation by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Update Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/multi_update |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Retrieve All Hours of Operation or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Delete Hours of Operation by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation | Delete Multiple Hours of Operation | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Assignments--One Location | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_assignments |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Assignments--Multiple Locations | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Assignments | Create or Update Hours of Operation Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_assignments/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Assignments | Delete Hours of Operation Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve All Hours of Operation Overrides or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Retrieve Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/multi_read |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Create Hours of Operation Override | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Create Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/multi_create |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Update Hours of Operation Override by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Update Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/multi_update |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Delete Hours of Operation Override by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/{id} |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Overrides | Delete Hours of Operation Overrides | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override Assignment | GET | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override_assignments |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Retrieve Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Create or Update Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Hours of Operation Override Assignments | Delete Hours of Operation Override Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/hours_operation_override_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Budget | Retrieve Labor Budgets | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_budget/apply_read |
Forecasting | Labor Budget | Import Labor Budgets | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_budget/import |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Retrieve Labor Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast/apply_read |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Import Labor Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast/import |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Update Labor Forecast | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast | Update Labor Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limit by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limit by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Create Labor Forecast Limit | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Create Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_create |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Update Labor Forecast Limit by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Update Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_update |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Delete Labor Forecast Limit by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limits | Delete Labor Forecast Limits | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limits/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | Retrieve Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limit_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | Create or Update Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limit_assignments/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | Delete Labor Forecast Limit Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecast_limit_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Labor Forecast Engine | Execute Labor Forecast Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_forecaster/apply_create |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Retrieve All Labor Standards or by Specification | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Retrieve Labor Standard by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/{id} |
Forecasting | Labor Standards | Retrieve Labor Standards | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standards/multi_read |
Forecasting | Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | Import Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standard_tasks/import |
Forecasting | Labor Standards, Tasks, and Task Groups | Purge Labor Standards | POST | /v1/forecasting/labor_standard_tasks/purge |
Forecasting | Linked Categories | Retrieve All Linked Categories or by Specification | GET | /v1/forecasting/linked_category |
Forecasting | Linked Categories | Retrieve Linked Categories | POST | /v1/forecasting/linked_category/multi_read |
Forecasting | Linked Categories | Create Linked Categories | POST | /v1/forecasting/linked_category/multi_create |
Forecasting | Linked Categories | Update Linked Categories | POST | /v1/forecasting/linked_category/multi_update |
Forecasting | Linked Categories | Delete Linked Categories | POST | /v1/forecasting/linked_category/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Linked Category Action Types | Retrieve Linked Category Action Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/linked_category_action_types |
Forecasting | Period of Application Types | Retrieve Period of Application Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/labor_poa_types |
Forecasting | Special Events | Retrieve All Special Events | GET | /v1/forecasting/special_events |
Forecasting | Special Events | Retrieve a Special Event by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/special_events/{id} |
Forecasting | Special Events | Retrieve Special Events | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_events/multi_read |
Forecasting | Special Events | Create a Special Event | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_events |
Forecasting | Special Events | Create Special Events | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_events/multi_create |
Forecasting | Special Events | Update Special Event by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/special_events/{id} |
Forecasting | Special Events | Update Special Events | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_events/multi_update |
Forecasting | Special Events | Delete Special Event by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/special_events/{id} |
Forecasting | Special Events | Delete Special Events | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_events/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Special Event Assignments | Retrieve Special Event Assignments by Category | GET | /v1/forecasting/special_event_assignments |
Forecasting | Special Event Assignments | Retrieve Special Event Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_event_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Special Event Assignments | Create Special Event Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_event_assignments/multi_create |
Forecasting | Special Event Assignments | Delete Special Event Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/special_event_assignments/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Static Drivers | Retrieve All Static Drivers or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/static_drivers |
Forecasting | Static Drivers | Retrieve Static Driver by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/static_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Volume Budget | Retrieve Volume Budgets | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_budget/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Budget | Import Volume Budgets | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_budget/import |
Forecasting | Volume Driver Assignments | Retrieve a Volume Driver Assignment | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_driver_assignments |
Forecasting | Volume Driver Assignments | Retrieve Volume Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_driver_assignments/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Driver Assignments | Create or Update Volume Driver Assignments | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_driver_assignments/multi_upsert |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Retrieve All Volume Drivers or by Name | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Retrieve Volume Driver by ID | GET | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Retrieve Volume Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Create Volume Driver | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Create Volume Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/multi_create |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Update Volume Driver by ID | PUT | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Update Volume Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/multi_update |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Delete Volume Driver by ID | DELETE | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/{id} |
Forecasting | Volume Drivers | Delete Volume Drivers | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_drivers/multi_delete |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast | Retrieve Volume Forecasts | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast/multi_read |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast | Import Volume Forecast | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast/import |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast | Restore Volume Forecast | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast/restore |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast | Update Volume Forecast | PUT | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecast |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast Engine | Retrieve Volume Forecast Engine Status | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecaster/apply_read |
Forecasting | Volume Forecast Engine | Execute Volume Forecast Engine | POST | /v1/forecasting/volume_forecaster/apply_create |
Forecasting | Week Symbolic Periods | Retrieve Week Symbolic Period Types | GET | /v1/forecasting/week_symbolic_periods |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Jobs for Open Shift Requests | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/jobs |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Employee Open Shift Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/{openShiftRequestId} |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Other Employees Reporting to Manager | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/employees |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Request Submission Periods | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/submission_periods |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Open Request Subtypes | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/request_subtypes |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Open Shift Request Information | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/apply_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Employee Open Shift Requests | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Requestable Open Shifts | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/open_shifts/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Create Employee Open Shift Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Open Shift Requests | Update Employee Open Shift Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_open_shift_requests/apply_update |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Self-Schedule Request by Job ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/jobs |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Self-Schedule Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/{essRequestId} |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Other Employees Reporting to Manager for Self-Scheduling | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/employees |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Open Self-Scheduling Request Subtypes | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/request_subtypes |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Self-Scheduling Request Submission Periods | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/submission_periods |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Self-Schedule Requests | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Requestable Open Shifts for Self-Scheduling | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/open_shifts/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Create Self-Schedule Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Update Self-Schedule Request by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Employee Self-Schedule Requests | Update Self-Schedule Request State | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_self_schedule_requests/apply_update |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Open Shift Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/open_shift_requests/{openShiftRequestId} |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Similar Open Shift Requests by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/open_shift_requests/similar_requests |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Open Shift Requests | Retrieve Open Shift Requests as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/open_shift_requests/multi_read |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Open Shift Requests | Update Open Shift Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/open_shift_requests/apply_update |
Employee Self-Service | Manager Self-Schedule Requests | Retrieve Self-Schedule Requests as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/self_schedule_requests/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rules | Retrieve All Schedule Rules or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rules |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rules | Retrieve Schedule Rule by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rules/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Schedule Rules | Retrieve Schedule Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rules/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Calendar Profiles | Retrieve All Calendar Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/ess_calendar_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Calendar Profiles | Retrieve Calendar Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/ess_calendar_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Calendar Profiles | Retrieve Calendar Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/ess_calendar_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Tag Definitions | Update Tag Definition by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/setup/tag_definitions/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Planner Profiles | Retrieve All Workload Planner Profiles | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/workload_planner_profiles |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Planner Profiles | Retrieve Workload Planner Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/workload_planner_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Planner Profiles | Retrieve Workload Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/workload_planner_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Create Staffing Matrix | POST | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Create Staffing Matrices | POST | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/multi_create |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Update Staffing Matrix by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Update Staffing Matrices | POST | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/multi_update |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Delete Staffing Matrix by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Delete Staffing Matrices | POST | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Patterns | Bulk Retrieve Workload Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/workload_patterns/multi_read |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Patterns | Bulk Create or Update Workload Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/workload_patterns/multi_upsert |
Scheduling Setup | Workload Patterns | Bulk Delete Workload Patterns | POST | /v1/scheduling/workload_patterns/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Schedule Planner Profiles | Retrieve All Schedule Planner Profiles or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_planner_profiles |
Scheduling | Schedule Planner Profiles | Retrieve Schedule Planner Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_planner_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Planner Profiles | Retrieve Schedule Planner Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/setup/schedule_planner_profiles/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Attestation Unapproved Timecard Data | Retrieve Unapproved Timecard Data | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_unapproved_timecard_data |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Bulk Operations | Bulk Import of Punches and Paycode Edits | POST | /v1/timekeeping/data/import |
Timekeeping | Enable Edits Bulk Update | Enable Edits Bulk Update | POST | /v1/timekeeping/enable_edits/import |
Timekeeping | Bulk Paycode Edits | Import Paycode Edits | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/import |
Timekeeping | Bulk Paycode Edits | Bulk Delete Paycode Edits | POST | /v1/timekeeping/pay_code_edits/multi_delete |
Timekeeping | Timecard Settings | Retrieve Timecard Settings | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timecard_settings/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Alert Profiles | Retrieve All Timekeeping Alert Profiles | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timekeeping_alert_profiles |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Alert Profiles | Retrieve Timekeeping alert profile by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timekeeping_alert_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timekeeping Alert Profiles | Retrieve Timekeeping Alert Profiles | POST | /v1/timekeeping/setup/timekeeping_alert_profiles/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Bulk Timecard Signoffs | Bulk Timecard Signoffs | POST | /v1/timekeeping/signoffs/import |
Timekeeping | Timecard Changes | Retrieve Timecard Changes | GET | /v1/timekeeping/timecard/changes |
Timekeeping | Timecard Changes | Retrieve Timecard Change by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/timecard/changes/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Changes | Update Timecard Change Status | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/timecard/changes/{id} |
Timekeeping | Timecard Changes | Update Timecard Change Statuses | POST | /v1/timekeeping/timecard/changes/multi_update |
Timekeeping | Timecard Changes for Reports | Retrieve Timecard Changes for Reports | POST | /v1/timekeeping/timecard/changes/reports/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in 3.7.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Employment Term Memberships by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/{personId} |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Employment Term Memberships by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Employment Term Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Add Employment Term Memberships-One Employee | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Add Employment Term Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/multi_create |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Update Employment Term Memberships-One Employee | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Update Employment Term Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/multi_upsert |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Remove Employment Term Memberships-One Employee | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/apply_delete |
People | Person Assignments > Employment Terms Assignments for People Import | Remove Employment Term Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/employment_terms/multi_delete |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Group Memberships by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/{personId} |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Group Memberships by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Retrieve Group Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Add Group Memberships-One Employee | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Add Group Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/multi_create |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Update Group Memberships-One Employee | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Update Group Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/multi_upsert |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Remove Group Memberships-One Employee | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/apply_delete |
People | Person Assignments > Group Assignments for People Import | Remove Group Memberships-Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_groups/multi_delete |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Retrieve Staffing Matrix by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/{id} |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Retrieve All Staffing Matrices or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices |
Scheduling Setup | Staffing Matrices | Retrieve Staffing Matrices | POST | /v1/scheduling/staffing_matrices/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Zone Sets | Retrieve Schedule Zone Set by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_zone_sets/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Zone Sets | Retrieve All Schedule Zone Sets or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_zone_sets |
Scheduling | Schedule Zone Sets | Retrieve Schedule Zone Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_zone_sets/multi_read |
Scheduling | Schedule Zone Sets | Retrieve Schedule Zone Set Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_zone_sets/assignments/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in 3.2.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Retrieve All Custom Tiles | GET | /v1/commons/custom_tiles |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Retrieve Custom Tile by ID | GET | /v1/commons/custom_tiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Retrieve Custom Tiles | POST | /v1/commons/custom_tiles/multi_read |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Create Custom Tile | POST | /v1/commons/custom_tiles |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Update Custom Tile by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/custom_tiles/{id} |
Common Resources | Custom Tiles | Delete Custom Tile by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/custom_tiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Coverage Counting Profiles | Retrieve Coverage Counting Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/coverage_counting_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Coverage Counting Profiles | Retrieve Coverage Counting Profile by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/coverage_counting_profiles |
Scheduling | Coverage Counting Profiles | Retrieve Coverage Counting Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/coverage_counting_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling | Coverage Counting Profiles | Retrieve Coverage Counting Profile Assignment | GET | /v1/scheduling/coverage_counting_profiles/assignments |
Scheduling | Coverage Counting Profiles | Retrieve Coverage Counting Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/coverage_counting_profiles/assignments/multi_read |
Scheduling | Location Profiles Option Sets | Retrieve Location Profiles Option Set by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/location_profiles_option_set/{id} |
Scheduling | Location Profiles Option Sets | Retrieve Location Profiles Option Set by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/location_profiles_option_set |
Scheduling | Location Profiles Option Sets | Retrieve Location Profiles Option Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/location_profiles_option_set/multi_read |
Scheduling | Location Profiles Option Sets | Retrieve Location Profiles Option Set Assignment | GET | /v1/scheduling/location_profiles_option_set/assignments |
Scheduling | Location Profiles Option Sets | Retrieve Location Profiles Option Set Assignments | POST | /v1/scheduling/location_profiles_option_set/assignments/multi_read |
The following operation was added to the API in 3.1.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Device Groups | Retrieve Device Groups | GET | /v1/commons/device_groups |
The following operations were added to the API in 2.7.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Person Assignments > Schedule Rule Set Assignments | Retrieve Rule Set Assignments | GET | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_sets |
People | Person Assignments > Schedule Rule Set Assignments | Retrieve Rule Set Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_sets/multi_read |
People | Person Assignments > Schedule Rule Set Assignments | Update Rule Set Assignments by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_sets/{personId} |
People | Person Assignments > Schedule Rule Set Assignments | Update Rule Set Assignments—Multiple Employees | POST | /v1/commons/persons/schedule_rule_sets/multi_upsert |
People | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/{personId} |
People | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences |
People | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Retrieve Employee Preferences | POST | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/multi_read |
People | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Update Employee Preferences by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences |
People | Scheduling Employee Preferences | Update Employee Preferences | POST | /v1/commons/persons/scheduling_employee_preferences/multi_upsert |
Platform > Integrations | Process Callback | Update Integration Execution Details | POST | /v1/platform/integrations/update_status |
Scheduling | Minor Rule Sets | Retrieve Minor Rule by Minor Rule ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/minor_rule_sets/{id} |
Scheduling | Minor Rule Sets | Retrieve Minor Rule Value by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/minor_rule_sets |
Scheduling | Minor Rule Sets | Retrieve a Collection of Minor Rules | POST | /v1/scheduling/minor_rule_sets/multi_read |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Retrieve All Paycode Value Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_read |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Create Paycode Value Profile | POST | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Create Paycode Value Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_create |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Update Paycode Value Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Update Paycode Value Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_update |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Delete Paycode Value Profile by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/{id} |
Scheduling | Paycode Value Profiles | Delete Paycode Value Profiles | POST | /v1/scheduling/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Schedule Rule Sets | Retrieve Rule Set by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/{id} |
Scheduling | Schedule Rule Sets | Retrieve All Rule Sets or by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets |
Scheduling | Schedule Rule Sets | Retrieve Rule Sets | POST | /v1/scheduling/schedule_rule_sets/multi_read |
Scheduling | Zone Categories | Retrieve Zone Category by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/zone_categories/{id} |
Scheduling | Zone Categories | Retrieve Zone Categories by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/zone_categories |
Scheduling | Zone Categories | Retrieve All Zone Categories | POST | /v1/scheduling/zone_categories/multi_read |
The following operations were added to the API in 2.6.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Retrieve Certification by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId} |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Retrieve Certification by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/certifications |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Retrieve Certifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_read |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Create Certification | POST | /v1/scheduling/certifications |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Create Certifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_create |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Update Certification by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId} |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Update Certifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_update |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Delete Certification by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/certifications/{certificationId} |
Scheduling | Certifications Setup | Delete Certifications | POST | /v1/scheduling/certifications/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Employee Time Off Requests | Retrieve Employee Accrual Balance | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_timeoff/accruals |
Scheduling | Employee Time Off Requests | Retrieve Employee Request Period | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_timeoff/request_periods |
Scheduling | Employee Time Off Requests | Retrieve Employee Request Subtype | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_timeoff/request_subtypes |
Scheduling | Employee Time Off Requests | Retrieve Employee Symbolic Value | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_timeoff/symbolic_values |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Retrieve Proficiency Level by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/{id} |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Retrieve Proficiency Level by Name | GET | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Retrieve Proficiency Levels | POST | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/multi_read |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Create Proficiency Level | POST | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Create Proficiency Levels | POST | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/multi_create |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Update Proficiency Level by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/{proficiencyLevelId} |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Update Proficiency Levels | POST | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/multi_update |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Delete Proficiency Level by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/{proficiencyLevelId} |
Scheduling | Proficiency Levels | Delete Proficiency Levels | POST | /v1/scheduling/proficiency_levels/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Retrieve Skill by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/skills/{skillId} |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Retrieve Skill by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/skills |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Retrieve Skills | POST | /v1/scheduling/skills/multi_read |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Create Skill | POST | /v1/scheduling/skills |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Create Skills | POST | /v1/scheduling/skills/multi_create |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Update Skill by ID | PUT | /v1/scheduling/skills/{skillId} |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Update Skills | POST | /v1/scheduling/skills/multi_update |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Delete Skill by ID | DELETE | /v1/scheduling/skills/{skillId} |
Scheduling | Skills Setup | Delete Skills | POST | /v1/scheduling/skills/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Manager Time Off Requests | Retrieve Manager Accrual Balance | GET | /v1/scheduling/timeoff/accruals |
Scheduling | Manager Time Off Requests | Retrieve Manager Request Period | GET | /v1/scheduling/timeoff/request_periods |
Scheduling | Manager Time Off Requests | Retrieve Manager Request Subtype | GET | /v1/scheduling/timeoff/request_subtypes |
Scheduling | Manager Time Off Requests | Retrieve Manager Symbolic Value | GET | /v1/scheduling/timeoff/symbolic_values |
The following operations were added to the API in 2.4.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/{personId} |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve Paycode Value Profile Assignment by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Retrieve All Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_read |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Update Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/{personId} |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Update Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_update |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Delete Paycode Value Profile Assignment by ID | DELETE | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/{personId} |
People | Paycode Value Profile Assignments | Delete Paycode Value Profile Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/pay_code_value_profiles/multi_delete |
Scheduling | Day Type Equivalencies | Retrieve Day Type Equivalence by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/day_type_equivalences/{id} |
Scheduling | Day Type Equivalencies | Retrieve Day Type Equivalence by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/day_type_equivalences |
Scheduling | Day Type Equivalencies | Retrieve All Day Type Equivalencies | POST | /v1/scheduling/day_type_equivalences/multi_read |
Scheduling | Holiday Request Settings | Retrieve Holiday Request Setting by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/{id} |
Scheduling | Holiday Request Settings | Retrieve Holiday Request Settings | GET | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings |
Scheduling | Holiday Request Settings | Retrieve All Holiday Request Settings | POST | /v1/scheduling/holiday_request_settings/multi_read |
Scheduling | Symbolic Source Types | Retrieve Symbolic Source Type by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/symbolic_source_types/{id} |
Scheduling | Symbolic Source Types | Retrieve Symbolic Source Types by Name or All | GET | /v1/scheduling/symbolic_source_types |
Scheduling | Symbolic Source Types | Retrieve All Symbolic Source Types | POST | /v1/scheduling/symbolic_source_types/multi_read |
The following operation was added to the API in 2.3.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling | Workload Generator | Generate a Workload | POST | /v1/scheduling/workload_generator/apply_update |
The following operations were added to the API in 2.2.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Certification Assignments | Retrieve Certification Assignments by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/certifications/{personId} |
People | Certification Assignments | Retrieve Certification Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/certifications |
People | Certification Assignments | Retrieve All Certification Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/certifications/multi_read |
People | Certification Assignments | Update Certification Assignment by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/certifications/{personId} |
People | Certification Assignments | Update Certification Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/certifications/multi_upsert |
People | Skill Assignments | Retrieve Skill Assignments by ID | GET | /v1/commons/persons/skills/{personId} |
People | Skill Assignments | Retrieve Skill Assignments by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/skills |
People | Skill Assignments | Retrieve All Skill Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/skills/multi_read |
People | Skill Assignments | Update Skill Assignment by ID | PUT | /v1/commons/persons/skills/{personId} |
People | Skill Assignments | Update Skill Assignments | POST | /v1/commons/persons/skills/multi_upsert |
The following operations were added to the API in 2.0.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Retrieve All Attestation Profiles | GET | /v1/commons/persons/{person_id}/attestation_profile_assignments |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Assign Attestation Profile | POST | /v1/commons/persons/{person_id}/attestation_profile_assignments |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Retrieve All Attestation Profiles by Person Number | GET | /v1/commons/persons/attestation_profile_assignments |
People | Person Assignments > Attestation Profile Assignments | Assign Attestation Profile by Person Number | POST | /v1/commons/persons/attestation_profile_assignments |
Scheduling | Employee Swap Requests | Retrieve Shift Swap Request by ID | GET | /v1/scheduling/employee_swap/{swapRequestId} |
Scheduling | Employee Swap Requests | Create Shift Swap Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_swap |
Scheduling | Employee Swap Requests | Retrieve Shift Swap Request Information | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_swap/apply_read |
Scheduling | Employee Swap Requests | Retrieve Shift Swap Requests | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_swap/multi_read |
Scheduling | Employee Swap Requests | Update Shift Swap Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/employee_swap/apply_update |
Scheduling | Manager Swap Requests | Retrieve Shift Swap Request by ID as Manager | GET | /v1/scheduling/manager_swap/{swapRequestId} |
Scheduling | Manager Swap Requests | Retrieve Rule Violations for Shift Swap Request | POST | /v1/scheduling/manager_swap/apply_read |
Scheduling | Manager Swap Requests | Retrieve Shift Swap Requests as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/manager_swap/multi_read |
Scheduling | Manager Swap Requests | Update Shift Swap Request as Manager | POST | /v1/scheduling/manager_swap/apply_update |
Timekeeping | Attestation Assignments | Retrieve All Attestation Assignments | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_assignments |
Timekeeping | Attestation Assignments | Create Attestation Assignment | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_assignments |
Timekeeping | Attestation Assignments | Retrieve Attestation Assignment by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_assignments/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Assignments | Update Attestation Assignment by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_assignments/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Assignments | Delete Attestation Assignment by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_assignments/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Buttons | Retrieve All Attestation Buttons | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_buttons |
Timekeeping | Attestation Buttons | Create Attestation Button | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_buttons |
Timekeeping | Attestation Buttons | Retrieve Attestation Button by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_buttons/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Buttons | Update Attestation Button by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_buttons/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Buttons | Delete Attestation Button by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_buttons/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Daily Details | Retrieve Attestation Daily Details | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation/multi_read |
Timekeeping | Attestation Conditions | Retrieve All Attestation Conditions | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_conditions |
Timekeeping | Attestation Conditions | Create Attestation Condition | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_conditions |
Timekeeping | Attestation Conditions | Retrieve Attestation Condition by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_conditions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Conditions | Update Attestation Condition by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_conditions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Conditions | Delete Attestation Condition by ID | DELETE | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_conditions/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Profiles | Retrieve All Attestation Profiles | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_profiles |
Timekeeping | Attestation Profiles | Create Attestation Profile | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_profiles |
Timekeeping | Attestation Profiles | Retrieve Attestation Profile by ID | GET | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Profiles | Update Attestation Profile by ID | PUT | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_profiles/{id} |
Timekeeping | Attestation Workflow Attributes | Set Attestation Workflow Attributes by ID | POST | /v1/timekeeping/attestation_workflow_attributes/{id} |
The following operations were added to the API in 1.12.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Scheduling | Workload Volume | Retrieve Workload Volumes | POST | /v1/scheduling/volume/multi_read |
Scheduling | Workload Volume | Update Workload Weights or Update, Lock, or Unlock Workload Volumes | POST | /v1/scheduling/volume/apply_update |
The following operation was added to the API in 1.1.0:
Domain | Resource | Operation | Method | URL endpoint |
Common Resources | Pay Period Timespans | Retrieve Pay Period Timespans | GET | /v1/commons/pay_period |
Updated 3 months ago