Start the Attestation Process

After an employee presses a configured button, such as a Punch button, and the conditions are met to require an employee attestation, your application must call the Start Attestation Process (POST /v1/timekeeping/attestation_process) API operation.

In this example, we start the Attestation process for an employee.

The request:

  • uses the employee object reference to identify the person
  • uses the button object reference to identify the button pressed by the employee in your application
  • uses source to identify the source of the attestation request; at this time, UDM (Universal Device Manager) and WFD are supported.

Example request

Call the Start Attestation Process (POST /v1/timekeeping/attestation_process) operation with the following request payload.

  "employee": {
    "qualifier": "20335"
  "button": {
    "id": 2
  "source": "WFD"

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

  "attestationProcess": {
    "id": 9
  "flows": [
      "id": 10509,
      "qualifier": "Simple Question Form v2",
      "name": "Simple Question Form v2"
  "params": {
    "estimatedPunchTime": "2021-05-11T15:42:35.762127461",
    "empDstStart": "2021-03-14T02:00",
    "userAgentHeader": "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0",
    "shiftStartOrTodayDate": "2021-05-11",
    "empTimezoneOffset": "-18000000",
    "xForwardedForHeader": "",
    "todayDate": "2021-05-11",
    "timeFrame": "0",
    "empDstEnd": "2021-11-07T02:00",
    "enableFixMissingPunchWorkflow": "true",
    "wfd_initiator_locale_policy": "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"American English\",\"description\":\"American English Locale Settings\",\"activesw\":true,\"displayName\":\"American English\",\"languageCode\":\"EN\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"selectableAtLogon\":false,\"displayDateTimeFormats\":{\"longDateFormat\":\"M/dd/yyyy\",\"shortDateFormat\":\"E M/dd\",\"dayMonthFormat\":\"M/dd\",\"timeFormat\":\"h:mm a\"},\"dateTimeFormats\":{\"longDateFormat\":\"M/dd/yyyy\",\"shortDateFormat\":\"E M/dd\",\"dayMonthFormat\":\"M/dd\",\"timeFormat\":\"h:mm a\"},\"numberFormat\":{\"decimalSymbol\":\".\",\"decimalPrecision\":2,\"groupingSymbol\":\",\",\"groupingPattern\":\"GROUP_BY_3\",\"negativePattern\":\"MINUS_LEFT_NO_SPACE\"},\"currencyFormat\":{\"decimalPrecision\":2,\"negativePattern\":\"CURRENCY_LEFT_MINUS_BEFORE_CURRENCY_NO_SPACE\",\"positivePattern\":\"CURRENCY_LEFT_NO_SPACE\"},\"weekStartDay\":1,\"localeSettings\":{\"timeSeparator\":\":\",\"timeAmMarker\":\"AM\",\"timePmMarker\":\"PM\",\"dateTimeSeparator\":\" \",\"spanCharacter\":\"-\",\"spanSeparator\":\" - \"},\"tenantDefault\":true}",
    "predictiveSchedulingRequest": "",
    "estimatedPunchTimeInEmployeeTimezone": "2021-05-11T11:42:35.762127461",
    "empTimezoneId": "134111",
    "submitForManagerApproval": "false"

Response analysis

The flows array returns all of the workflows that need to be executed for the button selected by the employee. In this example we use only one flow. When multiple flows are present, they are presented in the array in the order in which they must be executed.

Use the workflow in the flow array (or the first workflow if multiple flows are present) and all of the properties in params as input to execute the next API call to Initiate a User Workflow.