Process Profile Assignments

Process profiles are made up of business process extensions. A business process is an organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages.

You can assign, update, delete, and retrieve details about process profile assignments using operations against the /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles resource.


A person's person ID is the same as the personKey and employee ID, and is not the same as the person number.

The person in this example has a person ID of 100 and a person number of 20190.


In this example, we assign, verify, update, and delete a person's process profile assignments.

Create the assignment

The create request:

  • uses personIdentity to identify the person using their person number
  • uses employeeProcessProfileName to define the process profile to assign
  • uses effectiveDate to define the effective date of the assignment

Example request

Call PUT /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles/update with the following request payload.

  "personIdentity": {
    "personNumber": "20190"
  "employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile"

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

    "employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
    "personIdentity": {
        "personNumber": "20190"

Verify the assignment

To verify, you can call GET /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles?person_number={personNumber} or GET /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles/{personId}.

Calling GET /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles?person_number=20190 or GET /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles/100 returns:

    "employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
    "managerProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
    "personIdentity": {
        "personNumber": "20190"

Update the assignment

To update the person's process profile assignments, call PUT /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles/update with the following request payload.

Example request

  "personIdentity": {
    "personNumber": "20190"
  "employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
  "managerProcessProfileName": "MgrProcessProfile"

Example response

    "employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
    "managerProcessProfileName": "MgrProcessProfile",
    "personIdentity": {
        "personNumber": "20190"

Delete an assignment

To delete a process profile assignment associated with a person, call PUT /v1/commons/persons/process_profiles/update and assign an Empty Profile.

For our example, to remove the employee process profile, submit the following request payload.

Example request

  "personIdentity": {
    "personNumber": "20190"
  "employeeProcessProfileName": "Empty Profile"

Example response

    "employeeProcessProfileName": "Empty Profile",
    "personIdentity": {
        "personNumber": "20190"