A Guide to Person Assignments

Person assignments allow you to make assignments of system entities for one or more persons.


Assignments are as varied as the system entities they represent, and while there are logical groupings of assignments that behave in similar ways, some assignments request and response models are very different from others.

Aggregated assignments

Aggregated person assignments allow you to consolidate the management of person assignments. You can retrieve all of one or more person's assignments, update, add, or delete assignments for multiple people, and retrieve the names of all available assignments. Refer to the Guide to Aggregated Person Assignments for more information.

Assignment differences

The following table outlines the basic differences between assignments.

AssignmentPerson Identity in ObjectEffective or Non-Effective Dated with NotesDefault LogicBatch Create or Update SupportBatch Read SupportPart of People Extension?
Process Profile AssignmentsPresentNon-effective dated; history not requiredEmpty ProfileDoes not support multi_create; supports multi_update and reset in updateYesYes; ProcessEmployeeProfile in EmployeeDataExtension
Attendance Admin AssignmentsPresentNon-effective dated; history not requirednullDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Attendance Profile AssignmentsPresentEffective dated with end date and merge support; does not support multiple assignments on same dateEmpty ProfileDoes not support multi_create; supports multi_update and reset in updateYesNo
Attestation Profile AssignmentsNot Present; takes employee objectRefEffective dated without explicit end dateEmpty Profile with ID of -1NoNoNo
Cascade Profile AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednull IDDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Percentage Allocation Rule AssignmentsPresentEffective dated without expiration date; multiple assignments are not possible for same date, but can span datesEmpty ProfileSupports multi_create, multi-update, and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Employee Adjustment Rule AssignmentsPresentEffective dated without expiration date; multiple assignments are not possible for same date, but can span datesEmpty ProfileSupports multi_create, multi-update, and reset via multi_deleteNo; has GET allNo
Employee Job Preferences AssignmentsNot Present; takes person numberNon-effective datedno default mappingDoes not support multi_create; supports multi_update and reset in updateYesYes; PreferenceProfileDataExtension in EmployeeDataExtension
Employee Preferences AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednullSupports multi_upsert and reset in upsertYesNo
Leave Admin AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednullDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Leave Profile AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednullDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Paycode Value Profile AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednullDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Minor Rule and School Calendar AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datednullSupports multi_upsert and reset in upsertYesNo
Schedule Group Profile AssignmentsPresentEffective dated with start and end date; supports gaps between assignments, multiple assignments in a given period, merging for the same assignment, and overlapping different assignmentsnullSupports multi_upsert and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Skill AssignmentsPresentEffective dated; no end date support; supports multiple assignments on same dateno default mappingSupports multi_upsert; does not support reset in upsertYesNo
Certificate AssignmentsPresentEffective dated; supports expiration date; supports multiple assignments on same date and gaps between assignmentsno default mappingSupports multi_upsert; does not support reset in upsertYesNo
Telestaff AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datedno default mappingSupports multi_create, multi-update, and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Schedule Rule Set AssignmentsPresentEffective dated without end date; does not support multiple assignments on same dateno default mappingSupports multi_upsertYesNo
Schedule Rule Override AssignmentsPresentEffective dated with expiration date; supports multiple assignments on same day for different profiles and gaps between assignmentsno default mappingSupports multi_upsert and reset via multi_deleteYesNo
Forecasting Category Profile AssignmentsPresentNon-effective datedEmpty ProfileDoes not support multi_create; supports multi-update and reset via multi_deleteYesYes; Part of Scheduling Data Extension


Each topic introduces a system entity assignment and steps through the process of retrieving a list of the system entities that can be assigned, assigning them to a person, retrieving such assignments, updating the assignment, and deleting the assignment. Not all system entities support all of these options.

The nuances and unique characteristics of call bodies are highlighted and discussed.