A Guide to Aggregated Person Assignments
Aggregated person assignments allow you to consolidate the management of person assignments. You can retrieve all of one or more person's assignments, update, add, or delete assignments for multiple people, and retrieve the names of all available assignments.
Aggregated person assignments currently supports the following 27 person assignments:
- Attendance Administrator Assignments
- Attendance Profile Assignments
- Attestation Profile Assignments
- Cascade Profile Assignments
- Certificate Assignments
- Employee Adjustment Rule Assignments
- Employee Job Preferences
- Employee Preferences
- Employee Tag Assignments
- Employment Term Assignments
- Forecasting Category Profile Assignments
- Leave Administrator Assignments
- Leave Profile Assignments
- Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments
- Pattern Template Profile Assignments
- Paycode Value Profile Assignments
- Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments
- Process Profile Assignments
- Schedule Group Assignments
- Schedule Group Profile Assignments
- Schedule Rule Override Assignments
- Schedule Rule Set Assignments
- Scheduling Employee Preferences
- Shift Template Profile Assignments
- Skill Assignments
- TeleStaff Profile Assignments
- Worker Type Assignments
A person's person ID is the same as the personKey
and employee ID, and is not the same as the person number.
Retrieve all supported assignment names
Call GET /v1/commons/persons/assignments/names
to retrieve a list of the names of all supported person assignments.
The response returned resembles the following example.
Retrieve all assignments for one person
Call GET /v1/commons/persons/assignments/{id}
to return a list of all the assignments currently assigned to a single person.
The response returned resembles the following example.
"personIdentity": {
"personNumber": "20165",
"personKey": 100
"personAssignments": {
"cascadeProfile": {},
"processProfile": {
"employeeProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile",
"managerProcessProfileName": "EmpProcessProfile"
"scheduleEmployeePreference": {
"zone": {}
"scheduleGroup": {
"assignments": []
"scheduleRuleSet": {
"scheduleRuleSetAssignments": []
"attendanceAdmin": {},
"payCodeValue": {},
"adjustmentRule": {},
"percentageAllocationRule": {},
"forecastingCategory": {
"assignmentProfile": {
"id": -2,
"qualifier": "Empty Profile"
"leaveAdmin": {},
"minorRule": {
"emancipatedMinor": false
"attestationProfile": {
"attestationProfileAssignments": []
"leaveProfile": {},
"attendanceProfile": {}
Manipulate assignments for one or more persons
To modify one or more assignments for one or more people, use the following bulk operations:
Refer to the following topics for examples of creating, updating, verifying, and deleting (unassigning) all of the assignments supported by this API resource. These examples also include the proper method for ensuring no change happens to assignments.
- Attendance Administrator Assignments
- Attendance Profile Assignments
- Attestation Profile Assignments
- Cascade Profile Assignments
- Certificate Assignments
- Employee Adjustment Rule Assignments
- Employee Job Preferences
- Employee Preferences
- Employee Tag Assignments
- Employment Term Assignments
- Forecasting Category Profile Assignments
- Leave Administrator Assignments
- Leave Profile Assignments
- Minor Rule and School Calendar Assignments
- Pattern Template Profile Assignments
- Paycode Value Profile Assignments
- Percentage Allocation Rule Assignments
- Process Profile Assignments
- Schedule Group Assignments
- Schedule Group Profile Assignments
- Schedule Rule Override Assignments
- Schedule Rule Set Assignments
- Scheduling Employee Preferences
- Shift Template Profile Assignments
- Skill Assignments
- TeleStaff Profile Assignments
- Worker Type Assignments
Updated almost 2 years ago