Pragmatic REST

Our REST implementation approaches the real-world challenges facing any large-scale API sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than purely theoretical considerations.

Operations that do not fit the REST paradigm

When an API operation cannot be described in terms of a CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) action on simple data, we include an additional verb as a URL subresource. This concept is known as "action as a resource."

Perhaps the most common use case involves the execution of the same CRUD operation on each member of a set.

  • The HTTP method is POST
  • Within the URL, the resource is followed by a verb subresource according to the following format:
    multi_{CRUD verb}
    CRUD verbs: create, read, update, and delete
    For example:
  • The body consists of a list of individual data items or a set of SQL-like clauses

A much more rare use case involves non-CRUD operations on one or more data items.

  • The HTTP method is POST
  • Within the URL, the resource is followed by a verb subresource