Paycode Value Profile Assignments - Aggregated

Paycode value profile assignments determine the applicable paycode values for a person.


A person ID is the same identifier as personKey and employee ID, and is not the same as a person number.


In this example, we assign, verify, delete, and pass a request that makes no change to multiple people's paycode value profile assignments.

Create or update assignments

The create or update request:

  • uses personIdentity to identify the person using their person number
  • uses payCodeValue inside personAssignments to define the paycode value profile to assign

Example request

Call POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_upsert with the following request payload.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 201,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day PCVP"
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 202,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day without Equivalence value"

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 201,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day PCVP"
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 202,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day without Equivalence value"

Verify assignments

You can use the bulk multi-read operation to verify assignments for multiple people at once.

Example request

To verify, call POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_read with the following request payload.

  "where": {
    "employees": {
      "key": "personNumber",
      "values": [
    "personAssignments": [

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 201,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day PCVP"
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": {
                    "id": 202,
                    "qualifier": "Sick Day without Equivalence value"

Make no change to assignments

When working with large numbers of people, you may wish to pass a request payload that makes no changes to a person's paycode value profile assignments.

In the following example, the system makes no changes. Setting a null payCodeValueProfile and passing the unAssignExisting Boolean as false both result in no changes to a person's assignments.

Example request

Call POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_upsert with the following request payload.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "payCodeValueProfile": null
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "unAssignExisting": false

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {}
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {}

Delete assignments

You can delete, or unassign, paycode value profile assignments. To delete our example's paycode value profile assignments, call POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_upsert using the unAssignExisting property.

Example request

Call POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_upsert with the following request payload.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "unAssignExisting": true
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {
                "unAssignExisting": true

Example response

A success response returns HTTP status code 200 and a response body similar to the following example.

        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10020"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {}
        "personIdentity": {
            "personNumber": "10030"
        "personAssignments": {
            "payCodeValue": {}

Note: You can verify that the assignments were deleted by calling POST /v1/commons/persons/assignments/multi_read with a request payload specifying all of the affected person identities.