get https://{hostname}/personnel/v1/compensation-details/
Get all compensation details by employee.
If no pagination parameters specified, the default/max is applied.
Permissions - UKG Pro service account must have "View" role for the "Employee Compensation Details" Web Service. Headers - US-Customer-Api-Key, Authorization (base64 encoded {username}:{password}).
Correct syntax when using date-time parameters are as follows:
- less than (=<)
- Example: /compensation-details/{employeeId}?dateInJob=<01-01-1900
- greater than (=>)
- Example: /compensation-details/{employeeId}?dateInJob=>01-01-1900
- equal to (=)
- Example: /compensation-details/{employeeId}?dateInJob=01-01-1900
- between (={minimum date,maximum date})
- Example: /compensation-details/{employeeId}?dateInJob={01-01-1900,01-01-1901}