Create Earnings Pending Pay Item

This operationn creates a UKG Pro Pending Pay record.

Authorization and Permissions

UKG Pro service account must have 'Add' role for the 'Payroll Integration' Web Service. Work Flow or Approvers is not supported. Transaction results are viewable on the Administration > Payroll Processing > Pending Pay Items page. Reference the 'Add a Pending Pay Item Guide' for transaction details.

Earnings assigned to the employee or that are part of their earnings group should only be used. When adding an earnings Pending Pay Item, only earnings with a Flat Amount, Flat Amount Track Hours or some related hours based (that is, hours x rate x rate factor) calculation rules are to be used. Allowable ItemStatus options to send are 'Pending' or 'Submitted'. The Scheduled Pay Date for all imported earnings is Next Pay Date. If sending a pay date, it must be an actual Pay date for a regular pay for the employee's pay group. The earning will not pull into a payroll, and thus not paid, if any of these parameters are not followed.
