Third Party Pay Service

Third-Party Pay Service API

The Third-Party Pay Service API enables you to import payroll summary information into UKG Pro so that your employees can view their pay summary within UKG Pro although the payroll was not processed in UKG Pro.


This document describes the methods of the service and provides examples.

The following information describes the service requirements.

Service Specifications
ProtocolHTTP (REST)
SSL SupportRequired
Signup and Licensing
Account RequiredUKG Pro Web Service Account

For information regarding establishing and maintaining an UKG Pro Web Service Account, refer to the document Managing Web Service Accounts under the UKG Pro Web Services and APIs divider of the UKG Pro Technical Content section in your UKG Pro Library.

Third-Party Pay Data

Property Required





External Pay Header
AddressLine1 NO 1 255
AddressLine2 NO 1 255
AddressMunicipality NO 1 255
AddressRegion NO 1 255
CheckAddModeCode NO 1 1
CheckNumber NO - -
CompanyIdentifierType & Value NO 5 5

If provided, must be a valid Company Identifier Type:

- Company Code

- CompanyId

- FederalId

- ImportCode

CountryCode NO 3 3 Must be a valid ISO Country Code
DateTimeChanged NO N/A N/A Read Only
DateTimeCreated NO N/A N/A Read Only
DocumentNumber NO 1 25
EmployeeIdentifierType & Value YES 1 12

Must be a valid Employee Identifier Type:

- EmployeeId

- EmployeeNumber

- Ssn

- EmailAddress

- Sin

- NationalId

- PersonId

EmployeeNumber NO 1 25

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response

- PUT - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL)

IsVoided NO 1 1 Y or N value not case sensitive. Defaults to N.
JobCode NO 1 100
LocationDescription NO 1 25
NameFirst NO 1 100
NameLast NO 1 100
OrgLevel1 NO 1 50
OrgLevel2 NO 1 50
OrgLevel3 NO 1 50
OrgLevel4 NO 1 50
CheckAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
CurrentNetPay NO - - Allows negative amounts
CurrencyCode YES 3 3 Must be a valid 3 character currency code
TotalCurrentDeductions NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalCurrentEarnings NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalCurrentTaxes NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalYtdDeductions NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalYtdEarnings NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalYtdNetPay NO - - Allows negative amounts
TotalYtdTaxes NO - - Allows negative amounts
PayCompanyId NO 5 5

If provided, must be a valid Company Identifier Type:

- Company Code

- CompanyId

- FederalId

- ImportCode

PayDate YES 19 23

formatting must conform to ISO8601

example: 2014-04-01T11:21:20.069673-04:00

PayGroupCode NO 1 6
PayrollCountryCode YES 3 3 Must be a valid ISO Country Code
PeriodControl NO 9 9
PeriodEndDate NO 19 23

formatting must conform to ISO8601

example: 2014-04-01T11:21:20.069673-04:00

PeriodStartDate NO 19 23

formatting must conform to ISO8601

example: 2014-04-01T11:21:20.069673-04:00

PostalCode NO 1 50
SourceSystem NO - 10 Defaults to an empty string
SystemId NO 1 36 can be used to store the unique Id of system that data originated from
External Pay Earnings
EarningCode NO 1 25 If only provide earning code, code displays on Third-Party Pay page
EarningDescription NO 1 50

- If only provide earning description, description displays on Third-Party Pay page.

- If provide earning code and description, description displays

- If provide neither, will display blank

EarningHours NO - -
ExcludeInTotalHours NO 1 1 Y or N value not case sensitive
ThirdPartyPayId YES N/A N/A

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response. When POSTing only child entity, must provide in URL

- PUT - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL)

JobCode NO 1 100
LocationDescription NO 1 25
OrgLevel1 NO 1 50
OrgLevel2 NO 1 50
OrgLevel3 NO 1 50
OrgLevel4 NO 1 50
EarningCurrentAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
EarningPayRate NO - -
YtdEarningAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
PieceCount NO - -
PieceUnit NO 1 10

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response

- PUT - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL)

SystemId NO 1 36 can be used to store the unique Id of system that data originated from
YtdEarningHours NO - -
External Pay Deductions
DeductionCode NO 1 25 If only provide deduction code, code displays on Third-Party Pay page
DeductionDescription NO 1 50

- If only provide deduction description, description displays on Third-Party Pay page.

- If provide deduction code and description, description displays

- If provide neither, will display blank

ThirdPartyPayId YES N/A N/A

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response. When POSTing only child entity, must provide in URL

- PUT - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL)

EmployeeDeductionAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
EmployerDeductionAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
YtdEmployerDeductionAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response

- PUT - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL)

SystemId NO 1 36 can be used to store the unique Id of system that data originated from
External Pay Taxes
ThirdPartyPayId YES N/A N/A

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response. When POSTing only child entity, must provide in URL

- PUT - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL)

IsEmployerTax NO 1 1 Y or N value not case sensitive. Defaults to N.
CurrentTaxableWages NO - - Allows negative amounts
CurrentTaxAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts
YtdTaxableWages NO - - Allows negative amounts
YtdTaxAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response

- PUT - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL)

SystemId NO 1 36 can be used to store the unique Id of system that data originated from
TaxCode NO 1 25 If only provide tax code, code displays on Third-Party Pay page
TaxDescription NO 1 50 - If only provide tax description, description displays on Third-Party Pay page.
TypeOfTax NO 1 10

- If only provide type of tax, type of tax displays on Third-Party Pay page

- If provide tax description, code and type of tax, description displays

- If tax description and type of tax, description displays - If provide tax code and type of tax, code displays

- If provide tax code and description, description displays

- If provide none of the 3, will display blank

External Pay Distribution
DirectDepositAccountNumber NO 1 22
ThirdPartyPayId YES N/A N/A

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response. When POSTing only child entity, must provide in URL

- PUT - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides ThirdPartyPayId for resource updating (within URL)

DirectDepositAmount NO - - Allows negative amounts

- GET - exposed

- POST - will be auto generated by the service, but exposed on response

- PUT - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL), exposed on response also

- DELETE - client provides Id for resource updating (within URL)

SystemId NO 1 36 can be used to store the unique Id of system that data originated from


To initially log in to the ThirdPartyPay service, the username and password for the UKG Pro Web Service Account can be sent for basic authorization. The format is username:password (note the colon between the credentials). The credentials in this format must then be encoded using standard base64 encoding. The initial call to the service should contain a header as follows:

Basic Auth Example

Authorization: basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Accept: application/json; odata=verbose

Content-Type: application/json


The return from this call will contain a US-SessionId. This token should be included in the header of subsequent calls to the service.


US-SessionId: 1807a7d3-1fdd-4c14-835b-59b178a323ec

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json


Third-Party Pay Service

GETReturns all Third-Party Pay information, including: earnings, deductions, taxes and distributions.

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay

Sample Return from GET:

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')",
                    "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')",
                    "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.ThirdPartyPay"
                "Deductions": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions"
                "Distributions": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Distributions"
                "Earnings": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Earnings"
                "Taxes": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Taxes"
                "Id": "A7ILCE0000K0",
                "AddressLine1": "TestAddressLine1",
                "AddressLine2": "TestAddressLine2",
                "AddressMunicipality": "TestAddressMunicipality",
                "AddressRegion": "TestAddressRegion",
                "CheckAddModeCode": "A",
                "CheckNumber": "12345",
                "CountryCode": "USA",
                "DocumentNumber": "TestDocumentNumber",
                "EmployeeIdentifier": {
                    "__metadata": {
                        "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.EmployeeIdentifier"
                    "Type": "EmployeeNumber",
                    "Value": "123456789",
                    "CompanyIdentifier": {
                        "__metadata": {
                            "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
                        "Type": "CompanyCode",
                        "Value": "C0014"
                "EmployeeNumber": "TestEmployeeNumber",
                "IsVoided": "N",
                "NameFirst": "TestNameFirst",
                "NameLast": "TestNameLast",
                "CheckAmount": "100.0000",
                "CurrentNetPay": "100.0000",
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "TotalCurrentDeductions": "100.0000",
                "TotalCurrentEarnings": "100.0000",
                "TotalCurrentTaxes": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdDeductions": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdEarnings": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdNetPay": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdTaxes": "100.0000",
                "PayCompanyIdentifier": {
                    "__metadata": {
                        "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
                    "Type": "CompanyCode",
                    "Value": "C0014"
                "PayDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PayGroupCode": "HUBW1 ",
                "PayrollCountryCode": "USA",
                "PeriodControl": "999999999",
                "PeriodEndDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PeriodStartDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PostalCode": "TestPostalCode",
                "SourceSystem": "TestSource",
                "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
                "DateTimeChanged": "2014-07-24T13:29:05.573",
                "DateTimeCreated": "2014-07-24T13:29:05.573",
                "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
                "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
                "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
                "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
                "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
                "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4"
                "__metadata": {
                    "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')",
                    "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')",
                    "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.ThirdPartyPay"
                "Deductions": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')/Deductions"
                "Distributions": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')/Distributions"
                "Earnings": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')/Earnings"
                "Taxes": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7Q48V0000K0')/Taxes"
                "Id": "A7Q48V0000K0",
                "AddressLine1": "TestAddressLine1",
                "AddressLine2": "TestAddressLine2",
                "AddressMunicipality": "TestAddressMunicipality",
                "AddressRegion": "TestAddressRegion",
                "CheckAddModeCode": "A",
                "CheckNumber": "12345",
                "CountryCode": "USA",
                "DocumentNumber": "TestDocumentNumber",
                "EmployeeIdentifier": {
                    "__metadata": {
                        "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.EmployeeIdentifier"
                    "Type": "EmployeeNumber",
                    "Value": "123456789",
                    "CompanyIdentifier": {
                        "__metadata": {
                            "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
                        "Type": "CompanyCode",
                        "Value": "C0014"
                "EmployeeNumber": "TestEmployeeNumber",
                "IsVoided": "N",
                "NameFirst": "TestNameFirst",
                "NameLast": "TestNameLast",
                "CheckAmount": "100.0000",
                "CurrentNetPay": "100.0000",
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "TotalCurrentDeductions": "100.0000",
                "TotalCurrentEarnings": "100.0000",
                "TotalCurrentTaxes": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdDeductions": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdEarnings": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdNetPay": "100.0000",
                "TotalYtdTaxes": "100.0000",
                "PayCompanyIdentifier": {
                    "__metadata": {
                        "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
                    "Type": "CompanyCode",
                    "Value": "C0014"
                "PayDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PayGroupCode": "HUBW1 ",
                "PayrollCountryCode": "USA",
                "PeriodControl": "999999999",
                "PeriodEndDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PeriodStartDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
                "PostalCode": "TestPostalCode",
                "SourceSystem": "TestSource",
                "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
                "DateTimeChanged": "2014-07-28T15:00:34.533",
                "DateTimeCreated": "2014-07-28T15:00:34.533",
                "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
                "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
                "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
                "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
                "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
                "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4"
GET with Third-Party Pay ID - optionalFilters the return to include only the Third-Party Pay record with the id number indicated as the id parameter.

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')

Sample Return from GET:

    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')",
            "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')",
            "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.ThirdPartyPay"
        "Deductions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions"
        "Distributions": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Distributions"
        "Earnings": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Earnings"
        "Taxes": {
            "__deferred": {
                "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Taxes"
        "Id": "A7ILCE0000K0",
        "AddressLine1": "TestAddressLine1",
        "AddressLine2": "TestAddressLine2",
        "AddressMunicipality": "TestAddressMunicipality",
        "AddressRegion": "TestAddressRegion",
        "CheckAddModeCode": "A",
        "CheckNumber": "12345",
        "CountryCode": "USA",
        "DocumentNumber": "TestDocumentNumber",
        "EmployeeIdentifier": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.EmployeeIdentifier"
            "Type": "EmployeeNumber",
            "Value": "123456789",
            "CompanyIdentifier": {
                "__metadata": {
                    "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
                "Type": "CompanyCode",
                "Value": "C0014"
        "EmployeeNumber": "TestEmployeeNumber",
        "IsVoided": "N",
        "NameFirst": "TestNameFirst",
        "NameLast": "TestNameLast",
        "CheckAmount": "100.0000",
        "CurrentNetPay": "100.0000",
        "CurrencyCode": "USD",
        "TotalCurrentDeductions": "100.0000",
        "TotalCurrentEarnings": "100.0000",
        "TotalCurrentTaxes": "100.0000",
        "TotalYtdDeductions": "100.0000",
        "TotalYtdEarnings": "100.0000",
        "TotalYtdNetPay": "100.0000",
        "TotalYtdTaxes": "100.0000",
        "PayCompanyIdentifier": {
            "__metadata": {
                "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.ApiCore.Models.CompanyIdentifier"
            "Type": "CompanyCode",
            "Value": "C0014"
        "PayDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
        "PayGroupCode": "HUBW1 ",
        "PayrollCountryCode": "USA",
        "PeriodControl": "999999999",
        "PeriodEndDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
        "PeriodStartDate": "2014-06-20T11:21:20.07",
        "PostalCode": "TestPostalCode",
        "SourceSystem": "TestSource",
        "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
        "DateTimeChanged": "2014-07-24T13:29:05.573",
        "DateTimeCreated": "2014-07-24T13:29:05.573",
        "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
        "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
        "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
        "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
        "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
        "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4"
GET specific child type - optionalFilters the return to include all child records for the indicated type (Earnings, Deductions, Taxes or Distributions)

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions

Sample Return from GET:

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(1)",
                    "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(1)",
                    "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.Deduction"
                "Id": 1,
                "ThirdPartyPayId": "A7ILCE0000K0",
                "DeductionCode": "TestDeductionCode",
                "DeductionDescription": "TestDeductionDescription",
                "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
                "EmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
                "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
                "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
                "SystemId": "TestSystemId"
                "__metadata": {
                    "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(2)",
                    "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(2)",
                    "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.Deduction"
                "Id": 2,
                "ThirdPartyPayId": "A7ILCE0000K0",
                "DeductionCode": "2TestDeductionCode",
                "DeductionDescription": "2TestDeductionDescription",
                "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "225.0000",
                "EmployerDeductionAmount": "150.0000",
                "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "225.0000",
                "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "150.0000",
                "SystemId": null
GET with child ID - optionalFilters the return to include only the child record (Earnings, Deductions, Taxes or Distributions) with the id number indicated as the id parameter.

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions(1)

Sample Return from GET:

    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
                          "id": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(1)",
                          "uri": "http://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay(‘A7ILCE0000K0’)/Deductions(1)",

            "type": "UltimateSoftware.Foundation.Services.PayrollApi.Models.Deduction"
        "Id": 1,
        "ThirdPartyPayId": "A7ILCE0000K0",
        "DeductionCode": "TestDeductionCode",
        "DeductionDescription": "TestDeductionDescription",
        "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
        "EmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
        "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
        "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
        "SystemId": "TestSystemId"
POSTInserts a Third-Party Pay record

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay

Sample POST:

    "AddressLine1": "TestAddressLine1",
    "AddressLine2": "TestAddressLine2",
    "AddressMunicipality": "TestAddressMunicipality",
    "AddressRegion": "TestAddressRegion",
    "CheckAddModeCode": "A",
    "CheckNumber": "12345",
    "CountryCode": "USA",
    "DocumentNumber": "TestDocumentNumber",
    "EmployeeIdentifier": {
        "Type": "EmployeeId",
        "Value": "9MT3O30000K0",
        "CompanyIdentifier": {
            "Type": "CompanyCode",
            "Value": "SGWSF"
    "EmployeeNumber": "257082178",
    "IsVoided": "N",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "CheckAmount": "545.27",
    "CurrentNetPay": "502.43",
    "TotalCurrentDeductions": "100.0",
    "TotalCurrentEarnings": "100.0",
    "TotalCurrentTaxes": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdDeductions": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdEarnings": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdNetPay": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdTaxes": "100.0",
    "PayCompanyIdentifier": {
        "Type": "CompanyCode",
        "Value": "SGWSF"
    "PayDate": "2014-05-15T11:21:20.0686729-04:00",
    "PayGroupCode": "SGPWSF",
    "PayrollCountryCode": "SGP",
    "PeriodControl": "999999999",
    "PeriodEndDate": "2013-01-31T11:21:20.069673-04:00",
    "PeriodStartDate": "2013-01-01T11:21:20.069673-04:00",
    "PostalCode": "TestPostalCode",
    "SourceSystem": "Celergo",
    "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
    "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
    "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
    "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
    "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
    "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
    "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4",
    "Deductions": [
            "DeductionCode": "TestDeductionCode",
            "DeductionDescription": "TestDeductionDescription",
            "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0",
            "EmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0",
            "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "100.0",
            "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0",
            "SystemId": "TestSystemId"
    "Distributions": [
            "DirectDepositAccountNumber": "TestAccountNumber",
            "DirectDepositAmount": "100",
            "SystemId": "TestSystemId"
    "Earnings": [
            "EarningCode": "TestEarningCode",
            "EarningDescription": "TestEarningDescription",
            "EarningHours": "40",
            "ExcludeInTotalHours": "Y",
            "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
            "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
            "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
            "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
            "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
            "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4",
            "EarningCurrentAmount": "40",
            "EarningPayRate": "40",
            "YtdEarningAmount": "40",
            "PieceCount": "1.0",
            "PieceUnit": "TestPUnit",
            "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
            "YtdEarningHours": "100.0"
    "Taxes": [
            "IsEmployerTax": "Y",
            "CurrentTaxableWages": "100.0",
            "CurrentTaxAmount": "100.0",
            "YtdTaxableWages": "100.0",
            "YtdTaxAmount": "100.0",
            "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
            "TaxCode": "TestTaxCode",
            "TaxDescription": "TestTaxDescription",
            "TypeOfTax": "TestTaxTp"
POST child onlyInserts the child record specified (Earnings, Deductions, Taxes or Distributions) and associates it to the Third-Party Pay record specified

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions

Sample POST:

    "DeductionCode": "3TestDeductionCode",
    "DeductionDescription": "3TestDeductionDescription",
    "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "333.0",
    "EmployerDeductionAmount": "350.0",
    "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "333.0",
    "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "350.0",
    "SystemId": null
PUT with Third-Party Pay ONLYUpdates the third-party pay record specified.

NOTE: Cannot perform a PUT for a parent and a child within the same request.

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')

Sample PUT:

    "AddressLine1": "TestAddressLine1",
    "AddressLine2": "TestAddressLine2",
    "AddressMunicipality": "TestAddressMunicipality",
    "AddressRegion": "TestAddressRegion",
    "CheckAddModeCode": "A",
    "CheckNumber": "12345",
    "CountryCode": "USA",
    "DocumentNumber": "TestDocumentNumber",
    "EmployeeIdentifier": {
        "Type": "EmployeeId",
        "Value": "9MT3O30000K0",
        "CompanyIdentifier": {
            "Type": "CompanyCode",
            "Value": "SGWSF"
    "EmployeeNumber": "257082178",
    "IsVoided": "N",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "CheckAmount": "545.27",
    "CurrentNetPay": "502.43",
    "TotalCurrentDeductions": "100.0",
    "TotalCurrentEarnings": "100.0",
    "TotalCurrentTaxes": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdDeductions": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdEarnings": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdNetPay": "100.0",
    "TotalYtdTaxes": "100.0",
    "PayCompanyIdentifier": {
        "Type": "CompanyCode",
        "Value": "SGWSF"
    "PayDate": "2014-05-15T11:21:20.0686729-04:00",
    "PayGroupCode": "SGPWSF",
    "PayrollCountryCode": "SGP",
    "PeriodControl": "999999999",
    "PeriodEndDate": "2013-01-31T11:21:20.069673-04:00",
    "PeriodStartDate": "2013-01-01T11:21:20.069673-04:00",
    "PostalCode": "TestPostalCode",
    "SourceSystem": "Celergo",
    "SystemId": "TestSystemId",
    "JobCode": "TestJobCode",
    "LocationDescription": "TestLocationDescription",
    "OrgLevel1": "TestOrgLevel1",
    "OrgLevel2": "TestOrgLevel2",
    "OrgLevel3": "TestOrgLevel3",
    "OrgLevel4": "TestOrgLevel4"
PUT with Third-Party Pay and Child IDUpdates the child record specified (Earnings, Deductions, Taxes or Distributions)

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions(1)

Sample PUT:

    "DeductionCode": "UpdateDeductionCode",
    "DeductionDescription": "TestDeductionDescription",
    "EmployeeDeductionAmount": "200.0000",
    "EmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
    "YtdEmployeeDeductionAmount": "200.0000",
    "YtdEmployerDeductionAmount": "100.0000",
    "SystemId": "TestSystemId"
DELETE with Third-Party Pay IDDeletes the third-party pay record

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')

DELETE with Third-Party Pay and Child IDDeletes the child record for the specified third-party pay record

Resource URL: https://servername/services/payroll/v1/thirdpartypay('A7ILCE0000K0')/Deductions(1)

Possible Return Values

Return CodeMeaning
200 OKThe request has succeeded (for instance on a GET).
201 CreatedThe POST was successful and a new record was created.
204 No ContentThe PUT was successful and the record was updated. *
400 Bad RequestThe request was malformed, unable to be understood or contained validation errors. **
401 UnauthorizedThe credentials provided were not able to be authenticated.
403 ForbiddenAccess to the requested resource is denied.
404 Not FoundThe requested URI cannot be found.
500 Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
501 Not ImplementedThe request is not supported.

* 204 No Content (return-no-content) is the default behavior. This can be changed to return the content of the successful PUT by altering the header (return-content). The syntax for the Prefer header is as follows:

Prefer = "Prefer" ":" preference
preference = "return-no-content" | "return-content" | preference-extension
preference-extension = prefer-params *( ";" prefer-params ])prefer-params = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string )

** 400 Bad Request validation error details will be contained in the content of the response.